Thursday, March 3, 2022

a most wonderful escape...


In a world with way too many wonderful people still “addicted” to “Covid Theatre” and/or 24 hour “new channels” providing a birds eye view of the world situation, I think I should share with you, once again, a bit of the world of fiction. Fiction offers a break for those who are just plain sick and tired of living in such "historical" times. It is a stress reliever when those helpless feelings settle in and make themselves too comfortable. Breathe in deeply; Breathe out slowly.  Again.

Recently I mentioned books by Louise Penny that I read in the past year or so – the Three Pines series -- so good – entertaining and thought provoking for sure. Well …  Louise Penny introduced me to Alan Bradley recently. Not personally, of course, -- I think I read something about him in one of her newsletters or somewhere Penny related.  Anyway – Bradley’s series of Flavia De Luce is beyond wonderful.  The setting is England in the early 1950’s and makes me yearn for simpler times ... although … the major attraction is  11-year-old Flavia, the most complicated and fascinating character I have met in a while – lots of challenges.  Her adventures are an escape into a world of mystery as well as into the heart, dreams and unspoken moments of the poignant world of a young girl left to her own devices.  I don’t know how else to explain it without giving things away -- things that each reader should be allowed to discover on his/her own- for therein, at least for me, is the joy of reading. She also makes me laugh out loud... and I am particularly fond of the way she interacts with her trusty bicycle, Gladys.  Plus, now in the final book of the series, I find that I have improved my vocabulary (you know how I love words...) as well as my knowledge of English history. I want this reading adventure to last.  I am, therefore, reading this book as slowly as I am able.  Bet you have been there.

I find it fascinating that an adult male author can get so into the mind of a young girl.  The only thing I speculate is that he must be an outstanding observer/listener combined with having a refreshingly keen imagination. He also knows a lot about the complexity of relationships between siblings, chemistry and poisons – something you will discover right off the bat.  I also find it interesting that, in the real world, he lives on The Isle of Man, an island located in the middle of the northern Irish Sea between Ireland and England.  Now – I had heard of the Isle of Man before, but never had taken the opportunity to do any reading about it. I didn’t even know where in the world to find it.  Fascinating.  If I liked to travel (which I do not), I would want to go there.

So – anyway – if you need a break from the real world because there are some things you just simply cannot fix, and -- if you like mysteries -- these books are at the top of my most recent “I suggest you read” list.  I also suggest that you read them in order so that you can see Flavia grow and learn.  She does a good job of it.

Thank you, Alan Bradley, for providing a most wonderful escape.

Sometimes books can make all the difference.

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