Thursday, February 29, 2024

Imagine what our world might be....

What if our president had made certain that the laws that protect our boarders were enforced from his first day in office?

What if our president directed that taxpayer money were to be used to support American concerns over those of illegal immigrants?

What if those in power did not prosecute (or is it persecute) those with whom they disagree?

What if those in power followed the law and did prosecute those who committed crimes?

What if our president were aware of how his executive orders and policies make it difficult for hard working Americans?

What if our president had not shamed our country world wide beginning with the ill-planned and catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan and continued on with other assorted blunders in international relationships over time.

What if someone in power were paying attention to the large numbers of  military-aged Chinese men (with military haircuts and boots) crossing our borders illegally?

What if someone in power were paying attention to all the land near our military bases that has been purchased by China? (Or -- American farm land now owned by China?)

What if our president had made even the smallest effort to listen to the American people?  What if he were not so slow to action and stunningly short sighted?

What if our president had not destroyed so much of our trust in government with his DEI appointees over qualified people? 

What if our president were not so divisive and so wrong on so many things?  What if he apologized even once for his blunders?

What if our president were not such a stranger to the truth?

What if our president had prioritized Law & Order?


What if all American people could believe that our votes counted?

What if all American people could know for absolute certain that it was not government over the people, but, as Abraham Lincoln said in his address to Gettysburg in 1863, a government of the people, by the people and for the people?

What if the American people didn't have to deal with the whole Hunter/Biden crime family "thing" that seems to grow darker at every turn?

What if it is not too late?


Imagine what our world might be....  

One other point -- you may find Joe Rogan's interview with Dr. Phil McGraw (#2105) fascinating.... 

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Americans Unite!



   Recently I was editing some writing from August, 2021 and ran across a couple of phrases that were popular in the press at that time when people were still caught in the grips of Covid misinformation and beginning to trust no one.  As some smart person once said, "It was all so long ago and yet remarkably present."  There in print were the phrases:

          "Incompetent authoritarians"  and "League of insufferable Karens". 

    Today we might say similar things like "Botches by Biden" or "Idiot Mumbling by Politicians".  Karens have sort of exhausted their fifteen minutes except for on TikTok.

    Anyway  -- it got me to thinking.  You know what?  It's time that we, as Americans, put our foot down and make our voices heard, or if not our voices -- our power of silent rebellion. We have reached our breaking point. Come on, people!  You know that we, as Americans don't like to have "things" shoved in our faces and we will only take it for so long.  Just ask Budweiser, Nickelodeon, Disney, or Target.  Just look at how people are beginning to see what mass media really is and how it is trying to manipulate them.  Just ask any citizen how safe they feel under defund the police and no bail policies. How sick are we of people who think they have a right to block roads and scream at innocent people.  They are the worst kind of self-righteous bullies. They have no concept of legitimate protest. It is time to enforce laws. People are "getting away with murder".

    You know very well that we can make our "voices" heard if only in the strength of refusing to drink the Kool-Aid.  Think about our refusal to adopt the metric system that big government tried to force upon us and look at our growing rejection of self-checkouts or of all the electric cars that are sitting gathering dust... or is it rust?  Then there are the unfounded claims of climate change (follow the money) and on a more personal level -- that I, for one, still use "normal" lightbulbs and have managed to find enough to last me for the rest of my lifetime. I know that I am not alone in this. We are Americans. No one can tell us what appliances we can buy or how much water to use in our washing machine. We don't like to be pushed around... especially by a power-hungry big government or by politicians who have no idea of what it is to work for a living. Americans don't like to watch their tax money going to illegal immigrants or to fight foreign wars without being asked if we agree. It is, once again "taxation without representation". Submitting to abuse is not our nature. It is not our heritage to remain silent. We are a take charge nation. Let's not give that up.

    The growing frustration calls to mind that now famous phrase from the 1976 movie, Network.  "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this any more!"  This is why I am going to vote for the least political candidates for all positions come November.  Give me a candidate whose #1 concern is the American people and who is not all about power, a position in big government and control of the common man. Give me a candidate who is not all about self-interest and personal gain.  Give me a loyal American who cares about Americans. I wouldn't touch a politician who has never had a real job  -- not even with a ten foot poll. Look what voting out of ignorant hatred has wrought. Look at your life before Biden, DEI, and the corruption of mass media. Do not accept the rise to power of narrow minded liberals who would deny you your right to free speech, who tried to force you to take an experimental drug (and sometimes succeeded) and who did force you to wear a worthless mask and to isolate your loved ones.  Look what they have done to our children and the American Education system. 

    Observe. Compare. Don't accept corruption or incompetence. Analyze and think.  November will be here before you turn around twice. Are you with me? Please. Enough is enough. Take America back. We used to be the greatest country in the world. Respected. We can be that again. Pray that our votes will count. Look for people who will make that happen. Let your voice be heard. Start with local elections and move to state and national. Use common sense. The take back America process needs to be across the board -- from grassroots to national. Know that you tried and at least made your voice heard or your silent rebellion felt.







Thursday, February 15, 2024



People who believe that winter is a time of peace -- a time to heal and rejuvenate do exist.  I am one of them really, but... I need snow and feeling like I am snuggied in to get there.  This El Nino winter just doesn't do it for me.  Further it hasn't been healthy cold.  You know... the kind of cold that kills all the germs and the pesky ticks... the kind of cold that settles in the first of October and slowly fades away by May or June.  Those of us who grew up in snow country and sometimes ice skated to school on the top of impressively large snow banks, have a hard time accepting these warm dry winters. Seriously there have been times lately when it is warmer and drier in the woods of Northwest Pa than it has been in Florida.  The snowbirds must be shaking their heads and wondering if it was worth the price of gas to go South.  

Now that I have written this, it will probably snow -- a thick blanket to cover everything.  You know -- the kind of snow that brings a special kind of quiet and clean. If it does, then it was worth writing the above paragraph. Bring it on.  As for the ice -- I can do without that. I could do without blizzards as well.  I guess, though, you can't have it both ways.  If only...


Saturday, February 10, 2024

Lights! Sirens! Bullhorns!

 Don't fall for it!

Microsoft does not freeze your computer or send warnings by doing so.

If this happens to you... Be Aware! Shut your computer down! The Microsoft Security Alert that locks your computer appears to be real, but it is not. The sirens, flashing lights and repeated message to call 855 603-2612 is an attempt to get you to let them take over your computer so that they can steal personal information and install malware. Do not call this number.  The robotic message warns you not to shut down your computer -- repeatedly.  Here's my advice. Do a forced shut down on your computer immediately. Just shut it down. Press the off button.  You may have to do that more than once to shake off the scammers' freeze/lock. 

I repeat -- Do not call the emergency number offered.  The scammers only want access to your computer to install malware and to steal information, including your passwords to everything. Once they are in, you are done.  In order to get rid of it you may lose everything you have on your computer and they may have all your banking and tax information as well as all your passwords and other important information.

How do I know this?  Because this happened to me a few years ago and I called the number. I hung up on them shortly thereafter because I became suspicious, but still... I wasn't sure how much information they had stolen.  I forget all of the details now, but when the real Microsoft was helping get rid of the malware, I lost everything I had saved on my computer.  Everything -- including a video of me and my Mom.  I think I may have written a blog about it way back then. Anyway -- They are back! 

Long story short -- it happened again yesterday when I was working on tax preparation of all things.  I did not call the number, I did the forced shut down (had to do it twice) and then I felt compelled to run security scans all afternoon, to find, thankfully that my computer is clear of malware and viruses.  Phew...  

Just don't want you to become a victim.  Plus -- I hate scammers. 

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Don't read this at bedtime....


Why are many politicians of the Democratic party who are in positions of power today so openly and obviously concerned about the potential retribution of new leadership in 2024?  The choice to use the word retribution is theirs, by the way. Methinks they "doth protest too much". Simply stated retribution is punishment for wrong doing.  Perhaps these politicians should be more concerned about righting the wrongs they have done than about fear mongering. Is their anticipation of retribution an admission of guilt about directed, on-purpose crimes or merely guilt about mistakes with major consequences that they were too short-sighted to anticipate? They admit neither, but we, the American people, see them both -- or at least some of us do. Perhaps these "leaders" need to be punished and they know it. I notice, by the way, that they often accuse others of doing things that they, themselves have done or are currently doing. It leaves a bitter taste if one is on the sidelines watching helplessly or seemingly so.

Why are so many "journalists" today afraid to dig deep to the root of a story? What do they gain being in cahoots with these wrong doers, mentioned above, and with those who bury and twist the truth? Is it laziness? Greed? Fear? Is it yet another case of "follow the money"? What happened to researching and writing about real events with truth - all the while using the most objective perspective as possible? What happened to "Seek Truth and Report It" (from the Society of Professional Journalist's Code of Ethics)?

There's more ... have we seen enough of DEI, Big Government and the aftermath of both yet? 

Is there such a thing as a hero to the rescue? Ever?

Is there such a thing as a fair and uncorrupt election? 


These are just a few of the things I try not to think about when I am trying to fall asleep at night. This is why I sometimes have self-imposed "news" blackouts. This is why I am compelled, once in a while, to write about the truth I have come to know and to ask questions that are hard to answer.

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Boys and their shovels...


Just happened to look out a window one snow foggy morning this past week to see a utility truck patiently waiting while two men seemed to be exploring the area below the stone wall at the bottom of my front yard -- one man digging away where my property meets the road. They other man was giving what I assume were digging instructions, then he would squat down and move things around before motioning for the digging to begin again.  They were both focused and intent ... would dig a while, stop and look it over, dig some more, talk again. It became a pattern. I began to wonder if they had remembered the warning to "Call Before You Dig", but ... they had on those cool vests with glow in the dark stripes, so I figured they knew what they were doing. This went on for a several minutes. (I got an entire load of laundry folded while I watched them.) I think the digging guy even took a "phone photo" once -- or perhaps he just checked the time.  Anyway -- it made me stop for a moment and think about men and boys and their bond with shovels.  Not sure this bond exists with all men really, but boys, in my experience, always have digging at the top of their fun things to do. Must mention that I always think I would like to dig, but when I get started -- not so much.  It's hard work!  I have great respect for diggers of the dirt no matter how old they are.  Moving on...

I had a garden when my kids were little and we ate everything as it came on – nothing left to bring into the house and have for dinner, let alone preserve for winter. I had to buy by the bushel to do that. Anyway -- the snow peas were our fave. I had great hopes, though, for the Idaho potatoes because they seemed to be safe underground.  Should have known better.  My son and two cousins of like mind dug them all up early on in the growing season. Having discovered their treasure-- smiling and all sweaty dirty,  as little boys are apt to be after heavy digging, the trio came galumphing around the corner of the house dragging a small wagon load of dirt and mini potatoes – so proud.  The potatoes looked like those little ones that are preserved in jars. My sister and I just looked at each other and laughed. So much for visions of dinners where the main course was to be home grown huge Idaho potatoes with a variety of different offerings as toppings. I would have to resort to "store bought" for those and everyone who has ever had a garden knows that "homegrown" is always better.

Ah -- little boys and their shovels.  Those three always liked to dig – even if there was nothing to dig for. Always a treasure hunt with no map.  I had holes scattered about in strange places around the property for many years.  You sort of had to watch your step – those boys, especially my son, were like groundhogs as well – heavily into tunneling. Come winter, my son would have won any competition in tunneling through snow banks hands down. He would dig for hours. I sometimes took food and water out to him.  I will have to have a conversation with him the next time he comes to visit and ask him if he wants to dig out a few thousand dandelions... or perhaps plant some Idaho potatoes.  Anyway... not one single one of them grew up to be a professional hole digger, but I bet all three have a favorite shovel in their garage, and I bet it is dirty.