Thursday, March 10, 2022

Guess that is too much to ask...


So… today as I write it is March 8th. I think about finding myself just into the first full week of March and in checking the stats for my blog, I discovered that Monday’s blog had readers not only in the United States, but also in Ireland, Sweden and Russia.  Now I have no idea of exactly who or where these people are, but someone in these far-off lands has viewed my blog. I don’t always have readers from across the globe, but it is fun when I do. I love that somehow they came across my words.  I wonder what they must think of the ramblings in From Pencil Box to Keyboard?  One thing I know for sure from the occasional comment, is that people from all over the world have the same kinds of feelings and concerns. One gentleman from Sweden wrote to me a couple of years ago to draw parallels between his family and mine – shared concerns about something I had written. Perhaps we could focus more on the similarities among differing cultures than we do on the differences. It would be a start of some sort. I know I have said that before, but... I actually think that a lot of the world has been doing that of late – at least for the last couple of weeks.  There is a feeling of a world united – at least some of it. It obviously is inspired by a common enemy, but at least it is a plus to be united in any way.

With that in mind… today I want to write about routine sorts of things... things that a lot of people do. The thing is – I am feeling sort of at loose ends these last days of winter. I, personally, am itching to get outside and am thankful that is an option.  I have inside chores pretty well caught up as far as chores are concerned and am looking for things to do that involve fresh air. It’s been a long winter. Anyway… back to routine things -- I woke up this morning and clicked on the TV, as I often do in the morning… you know… to see if the outside world is still there. Then as I padded to the kitchen (in my thick socks and fleece) to turn on the coffee maker, I glanced outside to see that -- once again -- snow covers the ground and… it is still snowing. I thought to myself that I hoped the furnace would kick on shortly to take off the morning chill. Ah life in snow country.  And then – drum roll – I remembered that today is a most special day.  Today one of my grandsons turns 15!  How did that happen so quickly?  I will be celebrating him in my mind all day. Aren’t grandkids remarkable?  I so love them.  We just celebrated my granddaughter’s birthday less than a month ago.  She is 11 now, and I don’t know how that could happen so quickly either.  I guess time does fly -- at least in looking back.

Speaking of looking back – this year is my 55th High School reunion. Again… how did that happen so quickly? Now… some of you will wonder why this is a big deal, but around here, reunions are huge… and usually well attended.  It is sort of a big thing – a happening.  The Class of ’67 usually celebrates (every five years) for two days, sometimes even longer – people coming in from all over the place.  I am hoping that this year will be that way – it’s been a couple of rough years for everyone. I will miss those who are unable to attend. I am thinking, for me, that touching the past and reconnecting with friends may be a very good way to spend a weekend in June.  There is something very special about spending some time with those who have known you from childhood. You have some shared memories. You lived through shared experiences.  People know what you are talking about without background fill-ins. It’s like they know you and you know them at the very core... from the beginning.  It’s nice.  I am also thinking that people all over the world have shared memories of their childhood friends. It’s a bond. People are people. I just wish that the world were more settled and safer for everyone. Guess that is too much to ask at the moment.

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