Thursday, September 30, 2021

Don't judge. Just smile.


I have one son and I feel that I can write about him because, although some of you may remember him from his youth, he lives far away now and you won’t be running into him in Walmart.  He does tend to read my blog though so…  perhaps it is a good thing he lives far away… in this case.  Anyway ... I find him to be hysterically funny.  Actually, my daughter is mega funny as well.  It’s a blessing -- although family gatherings readily turn into laugh fests which can be hard on your stomach muscles after a while. You see they both married super funny people and my grandchildren are funny as well.  It can be exhausting… but so worth it... so much fun!

Anyway – my son has a propensity for group texting which I do find annoying when he starts goofing around near my bedtime.  It’s hard to resist following along and participating even though I sometimes tell him to GO TO BED or sometimes I just resort to sleep texting.  He does this group text thing in the mornings, as well, which works well for me and for his sister. His wife does not appreciate the early morning text fests though – she is like "normal" people and sleeps until a decent hour or at least when she can. (Sometimes I wish I could do that.) Good thing she also has a well-developed sense of humor and can put up with the rest of us. Good thing we can appreciate our differences.  We are who we are. Right? I am thinking that my son-in-law just ignores us all in this group texting phenomena especially when the occasional group text happens during the day. He is, perhaps, wise to do so. Plus -- he does a lot of his work on his phone during the day time and doesn't have any goof off time.  It's not a toy after all.  Anyway -- it’s all good.

So…  recently my son group texted this creepy looking meme that says, “At my funeral, take the bouquet off my coffin and throw it into the crowd to see who is next.”  Of course, sharing the same sick twist sense of humor, we thought this was very funny and found appropriate emojis with which to respond.  Now to catch you all up a bit and to get to the point…  when we were all together this summer – enjoying a walk in the back pasture of my small plot of land (a place I cherish because of the quiet beauty of it all) – I told my children that when I move on to the next "realm", I want to be burned up and sprinkled.  It’s simple really.  I think they should just take my ashes, load them somehow into something like a t-shirt cannon and then blast me into the air in that same back pasture and watch me float and scatter across one of my favorite places.  All they need to do is be careful not to look up with their mouths open.  Seriously -- I think it is perfect.  Unfortunately, I don’t think they believe me... or maybe are a bit horrified at the notion.  My son laughs (sort of), but finds my idea to be dark somehow – even darker that the meme he sent – the one I just told you about.  So – I am telling the world – just burn me up and sprinkle me somewhere I love to be. No fanfare – just let me rejoin the earth.  Don’t judge. Just smile. To be scattered is somehow fitting. Each one of us is, after all, just a small part of the whole.


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