Thursday, January 14, 2016

"Three duhs and you're out!"

I have no idea what your experiences are with home repair, but I have to tell you, I have made the effort.   At one time, years ago, I fixed my own oven for several years – ordering parts by snail mail one after another – sort of a trial and error type of repair -- trying everything under the sun so that I could prepare meals in something other than a slow cooker or electric frying pan and do things like bake a birthday cake for my then toddler who is now 38 -- I think.  No YouTube videos back in that day – I borrowed and purchased books on how to repair things like leaky toilets, and researched how to fix it when you touched up a wall covered with crayon marks with oil based glossy paint when it should have been water based flat -- this -- the day before you had twenty guests coming for a bridal shower. I am thinking that you may have had similar experiences. I still don't find them amusing....

It's probably important to mention at this point that sometimes a project takes a bit longer or a lot longer and costs more to "do it yourself" than it would have cost to have had someone do the work who actually knows what they are doing. Some lessons are hard learned.  I feel it is also important to mention that I never try to fix my Jeep or tinker with something that might explode due to my ignorance.  Moving on ...

If there were yellow pages readily available today, I would be tempted to use them to find someone to put the screen protector on the face of my cell phone so that there are no bubbles,  Oops  --  forgot about Google Search or other more current options). I am so frustrated with this!  I have ruined the screen protector I bought some time ago to replace the one I had somehow scratched and cracked in several places. I now have a package of three rather inexpensive ones on order from Amazon and have found a YouTube video on how to attach them.  The process involves a rather complicated process of using sticky paper as a hinge of some sort.. I am prepared to watch this video repeatedly until I can figure it all out -- hopefully before I ruin all three of the new screen protectors as well. This is all so exhausting! If I don’t manage to make one of the ones I ordered online work, I am going to quit.  I hardly ever drop my cell or put it in my purse with scratchy stuff anyway – famous last words.  It’s a case of “three duhs and you’re out”.  It is sometimes so hard to keep up with the latest.  Would you agree? 

(I was going to end this blog at this point -- but...)


Okay -- here's an update on this whole screen protector "challenge". My daughter was looking at my cell phone and, techno savvy as she is, tried to explain to me - patiently and without laughing - that what I thought was the actual screen protector was simply a plastic sheet that should be removed and tossed away. (I don't remember the directions saying one thing about throwing away anything - seriously.) Anyway -- I had not removed the plastic protective sheet from the actual screen protector - thus condemning myself to trying to see the face of my cell through a cloudy and bubbled surface.  Much to her further amusement, it took awhile for me to understand what she was saying and for her to convince me of this. I admit that I was getting a bit angry in response to the frustration of trying to figure out what she was trying to explain so nicely and patiently to me. I am not even going to tell you how long I have been struggling with not being able to clearly see the screen of my cell.  As one of my cousins says, "I am pretty sure I was in the line for ice cream when the technical part of the brain was being passed out".  (This cousin, by the way, often has the most apt way of wording things to capture the moment.  Nice... and thank you.) 

Further update... My Amazon order arrived with the three new screen protectors.  I am keeping them on hand for the next time.  

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