"If not now, when?" seems to be one of the advertising catch phrases of a new Weight Watchers' campaign. I like it. Plus -- I think it can apply to any number of aspects of a person's life -- not just to getting control of a weight issue. A few months ago I started to develop a bit of an exercise regimen after a period of relative inactivity. I was to the point of feeling like a real slug and beginning not to care that my feet seemed to be stuck in "slugdom". I distinctly remember telling a very good friend that it was time for me to get moving or just forget it altogether -- sort of a now or never thing. ("If not now, when?") I was tired of thinking about it. "Just Do It", "No pain;no gain" and all of that sort of thing were running through my mind on an all too regular basis. It was time to move, to develop a more active life style. I knew it then as I do now. As much as I love to snuggle under a good afghan while reading or watching television, it was time to don a good pair of sneakers and get some fresh air.
Fortunately for me Northwest Pennsylvania experienced a relatively easy beginning to winter -- lasting until the second week of January. Around here winter begins in October, so I figure we are way ahead of the game. Although this week has been wintry, we have had under a half a dozen big snow falls in lieu of the normal six feet of snow by now. I have made it a personal goal to be outside every single day since October that it hasn't been icy. (The potential to fall and not be able to get up is no longer a joke in my "group".) I have walked in mist, in rain, and even in sleet at times. It feels good. Many times I haven't even had to wear a winter coat -- just multiple layers of heat retaining fabric. (Remember when all we had were rain and snow absorbing wool coats and mittens that would freeze solid?) Anyway -- I am in love with El Nino. Typical of us who live in snow country, we always are aware of the other side of the coin -- La Nina, but I will think about that later. For now, with the exception of the occasional cold snap and foot of snow/hour, I am simply enjoying the higher than normal temperatures and the lesser than normal amounts of snow.
Just out of curiosity, I researched this phenomenon on the NOAA and The Weather Channel websites, checked out a relevant article by the "Capital Weather Gang" that appeared in The Washington Post, and of course -- closely perused my favorite and most reliable sources -- the two versions of the Farmers' Almanac. By they way -- they all agree that with the exception of an unexpected "precipitation anomaly" (freak storm), it is going to be a really light winter for those of us here in Northwest PA. Nice... pleasant deviation from the normal. I have been witness to dandelions in bloom and worms on the pavement -- in December.... I also know that El Nino has negative effects on many areas as well. I am seriously sorry for that, but you know what? It's nice to have a break from hard winters around here, and since I cannot control the weather, I am taking advantage of that break.
So.... Sounds to me like now is the perfect time to get moving...a window of opportunity that doesn't come very often around here. If I am wrong? I will be in better shape to shovel. It's a win win.
FYI -- the official first day of Spring is March 20th -- just three days after St. Patrick's Day. Just mentioning.... Is it possible that we will miss our Northwest Pennsylvania snow country St. Patrick's Day Storm this year? I could cope if we do. You?
We sure are having a welcome respite from the jaw-dropping amount of snow we usually get! I found myself delighted to finally have some snow though. It takes the dreariness out of sodden landscapes. Now for blue skies! This is Dody, btw....not unknown.