Thursday, August 29, 2024

You Deserve Better

Ever fascinated with language, I am finding it particularly interesting to see the evolution of descriptive phrases and terms within the "progressive" branch of the Democratic party. 

Within a short period of time we have seen a hidden-away President Biden transformed from "sharp as a tack", through mentally in decline, into beloved harmless old man supposedly running the country from his beach chair. We have seen a most unpopular Vice President evolve/drop into the position of Presidential "candidate by placement" and suddenly she is moved from an inept DEI appointment that few can stand to work with, to savior of the country.  She is no longer "radical", but now "moderate". Good grief she is even mimicking some ideas of Donald J. Trump.  Who would have thought? Does this smack of desperation?  Is it just more lies?  Is it an attempt to rewrite history?  Do the "Woke" need to wake up? Are they and others allowing themselves to be lied to and manipulated?

Further -- the mainstream media has helped the progressive Democrats in this transformation for sure.  I have seen/heard the exact same descriptive phrases or words repeated on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and MSNBC.  It's like all received the same memo with instructions such as ... these are the words you need to say....  Who is the puppeteer? (I have been asking this question in this blog, off and on, for almost four years now.) Repetition of favorite words does not make them true. Progressive Democrats hope you will forget what they were or what they said before and latch onto their catch phrases of the moment. It is their modus operandi.

            Recent favorites: Sharp as a tack. Weird. Joy. 

Pitiful and shameful really.  It's what people do when they are weak, and lacking in the ability to formulate strong, independent thoughts.  But then again -- we have become used to slow-to-react, short-sighted, stupid, inept and weak responses from this progressive Democrat leadership. (The rapid and chaotic departure of Afghanistan was just the beginning.) I keep waiting to hear/see something of  wisdom and substance. Saying someone has accomplished things without details of what those accomplishments are doesn't work for me.  Please... give me a list of things accomplished that have helped all Americans during the current administration.  They have had almost 4 years to prove themselves.  We have all been waiting now throughout those 4 years. I don't know about you, but I am sick of it. I am sick of all the lies. We cannot survive another four years of the downhill same. There is only muck at the bottom of that hill. Plus ... I don't vote for someone because of their gender or skin color.  I vote for someone who can get the job done and has a proven track record of doing so. For me  -- that is not Harris as Border Czar in name only. It is the track record of Donald J. Trump. I could easily give you a list of accomplishments during his term of Presidency starting with, energy independence, stronger borders,  peace in the Mid-East and Europe, and strong status and respect for our country throughout the world. Plus... I felt safer.  Did you?

Please do not let "progressive" Democrats and the mainstream media erase the past four years of history. They are trying to cover blatant errors of the Biden Administration. The United States under Biden and Harris was not at its best. Google has already started to control and manipulate their search results in an effort to support progressive Democrats in denying these weaknesses and errors.  Scary times and Kamala is laughing at you all the way along her path of "transformation".  (That laugh, by the way,  is another whole concern. Laughter is not always the best medicine nor what one wants to see in a leader who will be negotiating with other world leaders. Picture her talking with Putin or Xi Jinping...and bursting out into a cackle? We need to take a look at that laugh. What are the "root causes" of that? Whatever they are ...  it's disturbing.)  

Kamala has not spoken to the press or answered questions of significance in almost 6 weeks now.  It is not enough to say what she will do for America as she reads a prepared speech from a teleprompter. I need to know the who, what, when, where, why and how of all her future plans for America.  Does she know the answers to these basic questions? Can she talk without notes?  How well does she think on her feet? People voted for an incompetent, silent basement dweller once before and look what happened. Do not be duped again. You deserve better. 

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