Thursday, July 18, 2024

Times may be a changin'...

I had written a light-hearted blog to post for this week, but I am not feeling particularly light-hearted following the events of this past week in my own Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.  So -- with thoughts on the future of our country -- a few words on upcoming decisions and the future of the United States of America.

I am going to vote, once again, for a strong man, one who has not let himself be beaten down by those who have tried to undermine his previous presidency with lies and false accusations, and who now continue their desperate efforts to destroy him --  to try to bankrupt him, imprison him and discredit him with further fear mongering lies.  I am going to vote, once again, for the strong man the current "president" recently suggested should become a "target" - a most unfortunate choice of words - all things considered.  We all saw the attempted assassination. Most of the world saw it. The strong man I am voting for come November is former President... Donald J Trump. 

It seems to me that every single thing the former President has been accused of doing was actually done by the accusers who think they are so special that they can get away with anything. The truth is coming to the surface more and more every day for those who are willing to examine what evidence is seeping to the top of the swamp and oozing its dank, smelly way forward. 

I am going to vote for the man who is for all American people and who has proven himself to be so while in office for four years -- a previous track record. He is a man who gets things done in spite of adversity ... perhaps that is why those who oppose him, hate him. He does in a short time, what they have spent years never accomplishing. Were they even trying?  He is a man who cares more about your freedoms and quality of life than about your pronouns of choice or other woke concerns.

I encourage you to vote for the man who has been there for you, the man who has been shot, knocked down and stood up strong ready to fight for you and for the future of your country.  He can do the job. He has done it before in spite of devious opposition.

A year before the 2016 election I wrote a memo to Donald Trump and posted it as a blog in From Pencilbox to Keyboard.  The memo ended with these words: Please don't become one of "them". Please know that there are those out there in the world who have come to dislike politicians, who have learned to identify and to distrust all the false rhetoric and promises, who are disillusioned and apathetic -- rightfully so.  You, seemingly a non-politician, appear to be asking all the right questions and at the same time making media, government, and some big business edgy and afraid.  Some of us like that a lot and think that their discomfort is way overdue and well-deserved.  Please be the answer for us.  Give us hope. With you, even as arrogant as you are/can be, maybe some of us will become more trusting, less disillusioned and less apathetic.  Maybe we will get to be a part of the new American dream.  ...  Go for it,  Donald. Although you sometimes seem to carry things a bit too far, there are those out here who are watching -- maybe even daring to hope again."

During the past few years, I, among many others, have been thrown into a "basket of deplorables", threatened with interment in a camp for the unvaccinated ... treated like I have cooties because I refused to take an experimental drug.  I am one of many.  Time to let all that slide into the past now and to stand together for a better future for all.  Hopefully we have learned important lessons. Hopefully we will have a strong leader to usher us into that future.  I see that in President Donald J. Trump.  There is a man who commands respect.  We need that in this world.  Look what the weak, wishy-washy and hate filled have brought us. Look how they are now beginning to eat their own to maintain their power over you. Beware of their fear mongering... aren't you tired of it?  I think they do that because they have nothing good to say about themselves or what they have accomplished. Isn't it insulting that 
"they" think you will fall for it again?  Show "them" you will not. Let's move forward together and make a better world for our children and grandchildren.

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