Thursday, June 27, 2024

Too old for a tree house???

These are stressful times in so many ways. Even though it isn't always easy to do, I do try to concentrate on finding happy things -- things to feel good about... things to make my heart smile and that might spread smiles to others as well.  They are out there ... sometimes closer than you might think. They are around in the small moments often easily overlooked.  I think it boils down to mindfulness... and sometimes to remembering.  

Just the other day I was thinking about growing up and about how much of my life I spent in trees when I was a kid running around in worn out  Keds. I think I have always had the tendency to try to avoid crowds, and there is a lovely peaceful quietness about trees.  I had favorite trees here and there... sturdy friends all. There were some scary moments in the climbing up and down, but the time spent reading while having a snack -- leaning up against the main trunk while high up ... too good to ever pass up... so worth the scratches and bruises.  Fellow tree climbers will understand how the world even sounds different while high up in a tree. It's peaceful and comforting somehow. You never forget the sound and feel of the wind moving through the leaves.

A while back there was a fun television show about tree houses -- adults having remarkable tree houses built -- homes really. I think it was called Treehouse Masters. I loved that show. Wish I could find reruns of it right now. What always concerns me most now though, when thinking about a tree house, is the ups and downs.  I don't even use a step ladder in my own kitchen very often. There was even a period of time that I accused my adult children of hiding my bigger ladders, but then I ran across them in one of the back stalls in my barn and had to apologize for the false accusations ... something I still find amusing in a twisted sort of way.  Anyway --  I think it is time to leave the tree climbing and tree houses to those under the age of almost 75.  I confess I have thought more than once though about having a tree house built in my back pasture.  The trees there are perfect for one, but methinks I missed the age related deadline.

The thing is now may not be the right time for tree climbing (or tree houses) for me, but ... there are the memories of once upon a time.  I will settle for that.  I have good memories of then. Actually I never had a tree house per se; the tree itself was more than good enough.  Now... I do think that I am too old for one. Tree houses rank right there with mini skirts and parachuting.  Life is like that sometimes.  I do, however, have a truly magnificent kite. That is a whole other story yet to be told. 

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