Saturday, February 10, 2024

Lights! Sirens! Bullhorns!

 Don't fall for it!

Microsoft does not freeze your computer or send warnings by doing so.

If this happens to you... Be Aware! Shut your computer down! The Microsoft Security Alert that locks your computer appears to be real, but it is not. The sirens, flashing lights and repeated message to call 855 603-2612 is an attempt to get you to let them take over your computer so that they can steal personal information and install malware. Do not call this number.  The robotic message warns you not to shut down your computer -- repeatedly.  Here's my advice. Do a forced shut down on your computer immediately. Just shut it down. Press the off button.  You may have to do that more than once to shake off the scammers' freeze/lock. 

I repeat -- Do not call the emergency number offered.  The scammers only want access to your computer to install malware and to steal information, including your passwords to everything. Once they are in, you are done.  In order to get rid of it you may lose everything you have on your computer and they may have all your banking and tax information as well as all your passwords and other important information.

How do I know this?  Because this happened to me a few years ago and I called the number. I hung up on them shortly thereafter because I became suspicious, but still... I wasn't sure how much information they had stolen.  I forget all of the details now, but when the real Microsoft was helping get rid of the malware, I lost everything I had saved on my computer.  Everything -- including a video of me and my Mom.  I think I may have written a blog about it way back then. Anyway -- They are back! 

Long story short -- it happened again yesterday when I was working on tax preparation of all things.  I did not call the number, I did the forced shut down (had to do it twice) and then I felt compelled to run security scans all afternoon, to find, thankfully that my computer is clear of malware and viruses.  Phew...  

Just don't want you to become a victim.  Plus -- I hate scammers. 

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