Thursday, February 22, 2024

Americans Unite!



   Recently I was editing some writing from August, 2021 and ran across a couple of phrases that were popular in the press at that time when people were still caught in the grips of Covid misinformation and beginning to trust no one.  As some smart person once said, "It was all so long ago and yet remarkably present."  There in print were the phrases:

          "Incompetent authoritarians"  and "League of insufferable Karens". 

    Today we might say similar things like "Botches by Biden" or "Idiot Mumbling by Politicians".  Karens have sort of exhausted their fifteen minutes except for on TikTok.

    Anyway  -- it got me to thinking.  You know what?  It's time that we, as Americans, put our foot down and make our voices heard, or if not our voices -- our power of silent rebellion. We have reached our breaking point. Come on, people!  You know that we, as Americans don't like to have "things" shoved in our faces and we will only take it for so long.  Just ask Budweiser, Nickelodeon, Disney, or Target.  Just look at how people are beginning to see what mass media really is and how it is trying to manipulate them.  Just ask any citizen how safe they feel under defund the police and no bail policies. How sick are we of people who think they have a right to block roads and scream at innocent people.  They are the worst kind of self-righteous bullies. They have no concept of legitimate protest. It is time to enforce laws. People are "getting away with murder".

    You know very well that we can make our "voices" heard if only in the strength of refusing to drink the Kool-Aid.  Think about our refusal to adopt the metric system that big government tried to force upon us and look at our growing rejection of self-checkouts or of all the electric cars that are sitting gathering dust... or is it rust?  Then there are the unfounded claims of climate change (follow the money) and on a more personal level -- that I, for one, still use "normal" lightbulbs and have managed to find enough to last me for the rest of my lifetime. I know that I am not alone in this. We are Americans. No one can tell us what appliances we can buy or how much water to use in our washing machine. We don't like to be pushed around... especially by a power-hungry big government or by politicians who have no idea of what it is to work for a living. Americans don't like to watch their tax money going to illegal immigrants or to fight foreign wars without being asked if we agree. It is, once again "taxation without representation". Submitting to abuse is not our nature. It is not our heritage to remain silent. We are a take charge nation. Let's not give that up.

    The growing frustration calls to mind that now famous phrase from the 1976 movie, Network.  "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this any more!"  This is why I am going to vote for the least political candidates for all positions come November.  Give me a candidate whose #1 concern is the American people and who is not all about power, a position in big government and control of the common man. Give me a candidate who is not all about self-interest and personal gain.  Give me a loyal American who cares about Americans. I wouldn't touch a politician who has never had a real job  -- not even with a ten foot poll. Look what voting out of ignorant hatred has wrought. Look at your life before Biden, DEI, and the corruption of mass media. Do not accept the rise to power of narrow minded liberals who would deny you your right to free speech, who tried to force you to take an experimental drug (and sometimes succeeded) and who did force you to wear a worthless mask and to isolate your loved ones.  Look what they have done to our children and the American Education system. 

    Observe. Compare. Don't accept corruption or incompetence. Analyze and think.  November will be here before you turn around twice. Are you with me? Please. Enough is enough. Take America back. We used to be the greatest country in the world. Respected. We can be that again. Pray that our votes will count. Look for people who will make that happen. Let your voice be heard. Start with local elections and move to state and national. Use common sense. The take back America process needs to be across the board -- from grassroots to national. Know that you tried and at least made your voice heard or your silent rebellion felt.







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