Monday, October 30, 2023

Time Sensitive Snow Alert

Now... if you do not or have never lived in snow country, you may not see the humor in this.  Just a warning also, that I may be making fun of those of you who stay home when it sprinkles a wee bit from a passing dark cloud or if there is a lone snow flake in the air… or even the potential of one.  You know if I am taking about you.  No offense. I just find your behavior to be humorous and perhaps a bit wimpy.  Remember we Snow Belt NW Pennsylvanians take pride in our ability to survive. We know how to knit stuff to keep warm. We do things like lay in supplies and carry and stack wood. We know how to build fires and how to use all different kinds of shovels. We have a bunch of different words to describe all different kinds of snow. We know people with generators. We live in Snow Country.

Today, the day before Halloween, when it is drizzly, damp to wet, in the low forties and I was moving around outside with no coat for a while thinking nothing of it, I received a screen shot of my son’s phone.  He lives a bit west of Indianapolis in a lovely town called Danville, Indiana. It's the County Seat of  Hendrick's County. So nice there! They don’t really know there about winter though -- not the way we do. I mean their annual snowfall averages around 20 inches and they get a lot of sun there... unlike here where we average around 150 inches and have been know to get half that much in one single storm. Further , we are not known for sunny days.  We notice them when we do get them. We do not take them for granted.  Anyway - The following is a direct quote of his screen shot:


Snow Alert

Danville: A brief snow shower will begin around Mon, Oct 30 9:59 EDT.

Really – a time sensitive weather warning about a “brief snow shower”?  Of course it was issued by The Weather Channel – which is based in Atlanta, Georgia.  What do they in Atlanta know about snow really? I once witnessed them freaking out about potential for 6 inches of the white stuff in Boston.  We had six feet in 24-36 hours at that same time and not even a mere mention of us.  Erie ran out of lake to push it into and didn’t totally dig out until the following Spring. Seriously -- I have great friends who didn't celebrate Christmas until April that year.

Anyway – not sure how my son was reacting to this “alert”. I would like to think that he was making fun of it, but I didn't know how to interpret his accompanying emoji.  He has lived in Indiana for a long time now and maybe now has wimped out from lack of exposure to a real winter. I'm not sure he even has a real winter coat now. But -- I mean he was the kid who used to dig snow tunnels all day long, downhill ski and more than once went trick or treating in a foot or more of snow – who had to plan his costumes every single year to include warm outerwear.  He was a child of snow country, a boy who once drove from here to Stowe, Vermont in a blizzard to ski. Is it possible that he may have become one who even notices a brief snow shower? I find it amusing. I mean he lived in Rutland, Vermont and went to school in New England. He knows what snow is. BTW – I told him I was going to write about his screen shot.  He laughed.  He finds me amusing.  I am thankful for that and for him.  I find him amusing as well.  It’s a mutual thing. Actually I am blessed with an entire family of funny people.  

Note -- The forecast here today is for the possibility of snow for the next 4 days.  I will believe it when I see it. I can guarantee you that The Weather Channel will not be sending out alerts  to us... ever.  

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