Thursday, February 23, 2023

It's time...

 A few words on cancel culture.

It seems that cancel culture may have run its course, inflicted its pain, enjoyed its fifteen minutes of fame. Sometimes it even seems to be turning in on itself (... interesting). Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Oh -- and feel free to take your woke friends with you. It seems that people are finding their voices again.  This, in my opinion, is way past due.  My voice counts and ...  so does yours ... whether we agree or not ....      

                            Freedom. Above. Everything.

Now and then during the past couple of years I have been disappointed in people - just like I was back in the days of the Vietnam War Moratorium when I thought I should be able to attend my college classes if I wanted to. Others thought they could deny me this right to an education, so I had to attend underground classes in the private homes of professors. I was also held captive for over an hour in an elevator by privileged, screaming, and hysterical, young women overcome with self righteousness. All of this because they saw that I was carrying text books ... but ... that is a story for another day and one that I don't like to think about. It was not a high point of my college days, but I stood my ground. I am still standing today. I have no idea where those people are now and... don't care.

I know that I am not alone in this feeling of disappointment and isolation in these times, but it feels that way sometimes ... and it is not a good feeling.  As Martin Luther King said: “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” I can't help but remember what this silence feels like. I caution myself never to go to that world of cancelling others who may disagree with me. That is not who I want to be… ever. I think I tend to build protective walls instead. Not sure that is always a good thing either. It works for now.

One more thing... it seems odd to me that the most vocal of the past few years have become the most silent. It is a stunning and unusual silence of those who were so sure that they were right about everything... those who felt that had a right to impose their will on others including those who wished to mandate an experimental drug they called a vaccine .... They now have little or nothing to say.  No one is forcing their silence though they tried to silence others and to make them comply to their will. Some still try, but it is not working out too well for them. I am not holding my breath for any expression of regret on their part. I just wish they could at least make eye contact with me when I happen to meet them along the way. I don't have cooties, after all. I never did. They don't either. They never did.

I did not understand this "need" to try to silence and to control others back in the days of the Vietnam War Moratorium, and I don't understand it now. Not sure I want to. It's ugly.

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