Thursday, November 19, 2015

What's going on? Part One?

Have you ever ignored things without knowing that you were doing so?  Maybe it's a form of self-preservation?  I don't know.  What I do know is that even though I try very hard to be mindful, I am excellent at ignoring what I don't want to see. I am, in fact an expert at it ... after years of experience.  

A case in point is that I have come to realize that my house is sort of "haunted". This is nothing new really -- lots of people have encounters with ghosts, spirits, unknown entities.  They just don't always talk about it.  Even as a kid I remember our house had a frequent "visitor".  Eventually I named him. I distinctly remember coming home from church one time to find the Sunday newspaper spread out all over the living room, and ... he (?) once hid a sewing project by wrapping it up in a towel and putting it in a built-in drawer in the attic.  Those are just two of the "happenings".   Further -- he/it  went to college with me and freaked out my roommate by doing such things as making the blinds go up very slowly and then pulling them down again more rapidly.  I was used to such activity.  Unfortunately she was not. (I sometimes wonder whatever happened to her.)

Anyway -- I lived for several years in my home before I allowed myself to realize that I didn't live there alone.  Other people commented on that fact before I finally admitted it to myself.  It's not scary, just interesting and sometimes -- annoying.  It all came to a head one holiday time when I had a full house.  There were taps on shoulders, pats on heads, and one more serious grabbing of a leg.  Prior to that it was just a suspicion that my grand-babies were talking to or laughing with an invisible someone/something and occasionally noticing that it was odd the way the various pets acted, etc.  I tuned it out. Anyway...when my youngest grandchild clearly stated,  "Stop tapping me on the head. I am sick of it!", it was time to get real and figure out what was going on. Her mom and I were in the same room with her --but no where near her -- and-- as a rule we are not head tappers anyway. daughter and I had been watching my daughter-in-law being tapped repeatedly on the shoulder just prior to that.  She kept turning around thinking that someone wanted her and no one was there. She was confused and maybe a bit annoyed. My daughter and I explained that she shouldn't take it personally. Fortunately she still comes to visit.  It's all good -- nothing too scary -- seriously -- a person gets used to it.   Pictures move, coins appear, small items fly through the air, the oven occasionally starts by itself, unusual noises startle, etc.  Nothing out of the normal as far as these "things" go.

It's not nice to bother children though -- so that's when I agreed to call in ghost hunters - paranormal investigators.  An experienced team of them has been to my house and property now two times and are planning a third hunt.  (They like to come here -- lots going on.  I think they are arranging for some additional detecting equipment at the moment.) I have also had a medium here as well as a psychic. It seems that my property, especially my small barn, has a lot going on.  The house itself -- mostly just a place for entities to hang out for a little while on their way through to where ever it is that such beings go.  I find it all very interesting.  I am not sure that others do. There may be more on this and other "adventures" later...maybe.  We will see....  Anyway -- the holidays are approaching once again -- Thanksgiving is only a week away.  It will be interesting to see if the house is full , once again, with more than just my family.  If I wake up Thanksgiving morning to find my son on the couch in the living room because the guest room became a "creepy corner" during the night,  I'll know that we still have visitors.  It would be nice if they could at least help with the dishes. 

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