I recently finished reading Stephen King's Finders Keepers. It is the sequel to Mr. Mercedes. I enjoyed them both and was so hoping for a part three. When I finished the second book, I felt that King had left the door open for that possibility and happily discovered on his website that Finders Keepers is, in fact, the second book of the Mr. Mercedes Trilogy. Happiness! Will preorder the third book as soon as possible. Anyway, I ran across the word "lackadaisically" while reading King. From one word lover to another (or even if you are not...), have you ever seen that word in print before? I have not, or if I have, I don't remember. It surprised me in a way to see it. (I most likely would have misspelled it if I had chosen to write it.) Then on further consideration I wondered when I had actually used that word in my speech/writing, if ever. Can you relate? I know I have heard that word but have I ever actually spoken it out loud? Not sure, but I don't think so. It ranks up there with lollygagging, a word I have been fond of recently and, therefore, have incorporated into my speech/writing of late. I like both words. So here goes... years ago I was floating on an innertube on a "lazy river" at Water Country USA/Water Park in Williamsburg, VA. My children and I were with my sister and her children. She and I were "zoning out" on the river while keeping one eye on our children who were within sight -- I think standing under a waterfall or something. Anyway -- my sister and I were lollygagging lackadaisically while floating along. It was most relaxing. Now it is at this point where my sister would mention, or at least think, that I am just weird. She's right. I am, in fact, not only weird but also the biggest nerd I know, and those are just two things I like about me. I do not apologize. I, in fact, love most nerdy people I have encountered in this life. Kindred spirits and all that.... Such individuals are unique and most interesting to me. On careful thought -- I have encountered few people that I dislike. So -- does it follow that maybe there is a little of the nerd in all of us? What do you think?
A point of interest whether or not you find Stephen King to be scary, a little nerdy or weird... I also saw on his website that he will be appearing on "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert" on September 11th. Happy Birthday, my wonderful sister, who is also a Stephen King fan. (Set your DVR.... I am going to....)
Nan, both of these are words that are definitely part of my personal lexicon! Love the lazy river metaphor as well. XOXO from another word nerd!