Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Graying of America...

Those of us who were born between 1946 and 1964 are called Baby Boomers.   We have accomplished social change on several levels and in several areas of American life.  We have, on the lighter side, survived the peasant blouse and bell bottoms and have made jeans acceptable even for weddings. Our generation has made some outstanding movies, and has contributed positively to the world of music, and electronics.  Although Boomers may not be able to take credit for GPS, Post-it notes, microwave popcorn or luggage with wheels, our generation has brought a great number of things into being. What would our lives be without Tupperware or the imitations thereof?  Think of the positive contributions of cat litter, cable TV, the Zamboni, the crash test dummy, and the airsickness bag, not to mention Buffalo Wings, WD-40 or the lint roller. The list could go on and on....

On a more serious note -- we continue to make major contributions to the economic stability of our country because we have the money power of being the largest population group in our wonderful country -- or close to it. We have given birth to, have taken care of and, in some cases, are still taking care of Gen X and Gen Y while at the same time caring for our parents. What a job! Some call us the "Sandwich" generation because of this. No wonder our hair is turning white...or graying. 

Might as well face it, Boomers, we are literally the "Graying of America" least those of us are who have come to terms with our gray or white hair. It's not so awful.  Think of it this way.  We are in good company. When we band together, we are an impressive "gray wave". Seriously -- a close look at our generation speaks pretty well for us -- you just have to ignore a few things...but then -- every generation makes mistakes.  Just think -- Gen X and Gen Y are going to have to own up to being responsible for reality TV. There is that.

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