Thursday, October 17, 2024

Watch for the deer....

Years ago when, as a teacher, I was sending high school Seniors off into the world, I would tell them that #1, when going through day-to-day life, is "to trust your gut".  I also told them not to drink the punch at parties and to be cautious of accepting any kind of drink or food ... but that is a whole other area of concern.

Then just last week my son and my daughter-in-law were heading from Indiana into the post-hurricane mountains of Tennessee, and I found myself texting -- Watch for the deer! (I also told them not to pet the bears - or fuzzy dogs as the sign in their cabin reads.) Anyway --  I realized, once again, that I always say that to my kids -- even now that they are grown-up, extraordinarily competent adults.  I stand on my kitchen porch, waving goodbye and yelling "Watch for the deer!". I am compelled to say/yell this.  Every. Single. Time. They don't seem to mind.  They know it means "I love you!" (and that they are the most precious part of my life).

Then again... "Watch for the deer!", in northwest Pennsylvania is good advice taken literally as well -- especially during hunting season when the deer are being herded from place to place by the flame orange people.  But back to the main point - as a phrase - I think it is much like "drive carefully", "sleep well", "put your feet up at the end of a long day", "take care", "I am here if you need anything", or "let me know how it goes".  They all mean the same thing.  It's very simple really.  They all mean "I love you!".  Even grown-up kids should be reminded of that. Everyone should be. Words can be hugs. Everyone needs a word hug once in a while.  

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