Thursday, September 19, 2024

A letter to the Vice-President

Note -- this blog was written prior to the 2nd assassination attempt of Donald J. Trump. Had it been written after, the questions may have been different.

Dear Madam Vice-President,

The following questions are asked with all due respect for the office you hold. After careful deliberation over the past week, I ask them because I need to know your answers and thought for sure that the ABC news team moderating the recent debate would ask them.  They did not. (I am boycotting the entire ABC network and Disney now, by the way.  Their obvious bias and one-sided-only fact checking was shameful and ... inaccurately misleading with obvious ill intent.) I have many questions, but have limited them to my top ten or so concerns. My confusion stems, in part from the clips I have seen of you saying one thing and then saying the opposite in current time. Some call it flip-flopping. Others call it pandering for votes. It's confusing. Anyway --  following the debate, I also watched what I could stand of your campaign stop in North Carolina to see if you would be more specific about your "plans".  Alas you did not find your way there.  I am hopeful that you are able to understand my confusion. Saying you have a plan is too vague for me.  It seems like your solution to everything is to throw more taxpayer money at it.  Throwing money at something doesn't work -- our educational system is an obvious example of that. I might also suggest that you go a bit lighter on the glad hands, dancing on stage, loud laughter and hugging. It's a bit much. These are serious times. Pretend joy doesn't cut it. Plus this "act" blatantly contradicts your nastiness toward your political opponents. Okay -- here we go...

Are you at all embarrassed or remorseful that you repeatedly reassured the American people that President Biden was fit to be President - alert and "with it"?  You lied. You covered up. Have, you, in fact, been running the country for the past almost four years? Or ... are you a puppet of some sort? If so, who is your real boss?

Do you find any crisis in conscience, as a former prosecutor, that you encourage illegal entrance of millions of unvetted migrants across both the southern and northern borders? I don't understand why you did and continue to do that. I can't seem to find exact numbers of how many people have entered our country illegally under your watch ... not to mention "got-a-ways", but... even if 11 million encounters does not equal 11 million people, estimates are that it is at least 9 million plus another million or so of "got-a-ways" who have crossed our borders illegally under your leadership. We have no idea who they are or where they are. That is a lot during 3 1/2 years. It's a lot to handle for American communities. Too much really. Schools, hospitals, social services --- overwhelmed. You never even mention that hundreds of thousands of children are missing. It's shameful! What's your plan?

And related to that...  Do you see that you are prioritizing illegal immigrants over American citizens and, to add insult to injury, that you are making American citizens pay for all the goodies you offer to those who disobey the law? To be more specific -- do you understand that the American tax payer is concerned about paying for things like phones, food, housing, debit cards, etc. for illegal aliens?  They also have concerns about their tax dollars paying for gender reassignment surgery for illegal aliens or the incarcerated -- both groups have broken the law and hurt others in doing so. As you say, "Let me be clear". Our objection, in this case, is not to their gender preferences, but rather to their criminality.  These are people who have broken the law. Do you not see that?  On to the next question .... Are we no longer a country of law and order in part because of you? i.e. no cash bail / defund the police.

Do you realize that you do all the things that you accuse former President Donald Trump doing?  i.e.. name calling, acting on self interest, lying, fear mongering, etc.?  Must mention also, that you, like Biden, are also a plagiarist -- low in my book for sure. Do you not see that this is shameful, wrong, deceitful and just plain lazy? Does that not matter to you either?

Is it really true that over 90% of your White House staff have resigned -- perhaps, as suggested by some, because you are mean, intolerant, short tempered and do a really bad job of it and ... they really don't want to work with you or ... have their experience with you on their resumes? Some say you do not do your homework? Is this true? It appears that you did not in your selection of a running mate. Who are you really?

What do you love more than power? 

And finally (asking for a friend) -- does it feel weird that no one voted for you to become the Democrat party's nominee for President?  Does it make you feel like a cog in a machine or a token?  Do you find it insulting that people may vote for you because of your gender or race rather than any demonstrated accomplishments or simply because they have been led to believe that your opponent is a big meany sometimes? Are you aware that some find you to be the dangerous one? 

Thank you, Madam Vice-President for your response to my concerns. I don't really think that you will respond to this or even see it, but sometimes questions need to be asked. Anyway -- just in case... mine is a small audience with some readers from other countries, but each of the American readers' vote counts, and I am sure that others across the globe may be interested in your responses as well. We are, after all, The United States of America. The world is watching you now ... and all Americans come November 5th. We would like to know who you are before we have to vote. How can anyone vote for you if they don't know what you stand for or details of your plans? You might be the opposite of what people hope you are. Do you hate Donald Trump because he will not play the politician games and because he actually gets things done? What have you done?

P.S.  You may not buy back my guns or anyone's, for that matter. Check the Constitution. The Second Amendment. I am embarrassed for you that you think you are able to do this. Thinking you can control my rights in this or elsewhere is a serious and the real threat to Democracy. You might want to reverse your position on this as well.  Obviously you know how to do that.  Oh wait -- maybe you have already put that promise of a mandatory gun buy-back on hold.  I get confused. Are you able to understand why?

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