Thursday, August 29, 2024

You Deserve Better

Ever fascinated with language, I am finding it particularly interesting to see the evolution of descriptive phrases and terms within the "progressive" branch of the Democratic party. 

Within a short period of time we have seen a hidden-away President Biden transformed from "sharp as a tack", through mentally in decline, into beloved harmless old man supposedly running the country from his beach chair. We have seen a most unpopular Vice President evolve/drop into the position of Presidential "candidate by placement" and suddenly she is moved from an inept DEI appointment that few can stand to work with, to savior of the country.  She is no longer "radical", but now "moderate". Good grief she is even mimicking some ideas of Donald J. Trump.  Who would have thought? Does this smack of desperation?  Is it just more lies?  Is it an attempt to rewrite history?  Do the "Woke" need to wake up? Are they and others allowing themselves to be lied to and manipulated?

Further -- the mainstream media has helped the progressive Democrats in this transformation for sure.  I have seen/heard the exact same descriptive phrases or words repeated on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and MSNBC.  It's like all received the same memo with instructions such as ... these are the words you need to say....  Who is the puppeteer? (I have been asking this question in this blog, off and on, for almost four years now.) Repetition of favorite words does not make them true. Progressive Democrats hope you will forget what they were or what they said before and latch onto their catch phrases of the moment. It is their modus operandi.

            Recent favorites: Sharp as a tack. Weird. Joy. 

Pitiful and shameful really.  It's what people do when they are weak, and lacking in the ability to formulate strong, independent thoughts.  But then again -- we have become used to slow-to-react, short-sighted, stupid, inept and weak responses from this progressive Democrat leadership. (The rapid and chaotic departure of Afghanistan was just the beginning.) I keep waiting to hear/see something of  wisdom and substance. Saying someone has accomplished things without details of what those accomplishments are doesn't work for me.  Please... give me a list of things accomplished that have helped all Americans during the current administration.  They have had almost 4 years to prove themselves.  We have all been waiting now throughout those 4 years. I don't know about you, but I am sick of it. I am sick of all the lies. We cannot survive another four years of the downhill same. There is only muck at the bottom of that hill. Plus ... I don't vote for someone because of their gender or skin color.  I vote for someone who can get the job done and has a proven track record of doing so. For me  -- that is not Harris as Border Czar in name only. It is the track record of Donald J. Trump. I could easily give you a list of accomplishments during his term of Presidency starting with, energy independence, stronger borders,  peace in the Mid-East and Europe, and strong status and respect for our country throughout the world. Plus... I felt safer.  Did you?

Please do not let "progressive" Democrats and the mainstream media erase the past four years of history. They are trying to cover blatant errors of the Biden Administration. The United States under Biden and Harris was not at its best. Google has already started to control and manipulate their search results in an effort to support progressive Democrats in denying these weaknesses and errors.  Scary times and Kamala is laughing at you all the way along her path of "transformation".  (That laugh, by the way,  is another whole concern. Laughter is not always the best medicine nor what one wants to see in a leader who will be negotiating with other world leaders. Picture her talking with Putin or Xi Jinping...and bursting out into a cackle? We need to take a look at that laugh. What are the "root causes" of that? Whatever they are ...  it's disturbing.)  

Kamala has not spoken to the press or answered questions of significance in almost 6 weeks now.  It is not enough to say what she will do for America as she reads a prepared speech from a teleprompter. I need to know the who, what, when, where, why and how of all her future plans for America.  Does she know the answers to these basic questions? Can she talk without notes?  How well does she think on her feet? People voted for an incompetent, silent basement dweller once before and look what happened. Do not be duped again. You deserve better. 

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Reach out...

Am trying to avoid the DNC this week -- just as I tried to avoid the RNC in July. I understand Ronald Reagan's concerns when he said,  "The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help." I am a small government kind of person. I am not a fan of politics.  I like independence and a bit of isolation from the outside world. The rolling hills and woods of Northwest Pennsylvania are, therefore, a great place for me to live.  I live here on purpose -- sort of out of reach and even ignored. Must mention though that I am not totally out of touch. I do keep track of things including some of the insanity.  I do, however, consider being remote (living in the sticks) a good thing. People tend to underestimate you and therefore put themselves at a distinct disadvantage when thinking they are special and above you. People who live in the sticks also tend to have their feet planted firmly on the ground.  If you live around here you know what that means.  It's a good thing.

We may be behind in style here.  Don't care.  We may not be considered with it or cool.  Don't care about that either.  I just want to live my life in peace and be able to reach out to those with whom I am able to interact directly.  It's simple really.  Remember that old AT&T jingle from the late '80"s-- "Reach out and touch someone"? I am comfortable with that.  It isn't always possible to sit down at the kitchen table with people or even to get them on the phone, but ... with texting and some forms of social media nowadays, it's even easier to stay in touch than in the "olden days". (Even writing a blog works and... I have been known to use snail mail as well.)

Back in the day when I was young, feeling helpless, and seriously concerned about saving the world, my Mom said to me -- "... just reach out to the ones you are able to touch.  That may make all the difference... even something as simple as a smile counts."   I think she was right.  Then again....

Note.  I am reaching out here... this time without a smile. Having said all the above, I find that I just can't leave my mentioning of the DNC without asking this question.  Does anyone else find it disturbingly odd that a Planned Parenthood mobile van, all the way from St. Louis, is parked outside the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in order to give free medical abortions, emergency contraception, and vasectomies?  Reports indicate that all appointment times have been reserved and that medical abortions and vasectomies are occurring at a steady assembly line pace. I couldn't find any information on the quantity of emergency contraception that has been given away for free.  Wonder if St. Louis Planned Parenthood are paying for their parking? 

Seriously... here I had been thinking the attending Democratic Delegates went to Chicago to gather with like minds, clap together, and perhaps to brag when they got home that they survived long speeches, late nights and a trip to crime ridden Chicago.  Guess I was wrong at least in part. I think I would be especially disturbed by this if I were a member of the Democratic party who did not believe in abortion. Did the DNC or pro choice Democrats invite them to Chicago, or did St. Louis' Planned Parenthood just assume they would be welcome and roll in uninvited to snuggle up a bit? There are conflicting answers to that question. Apparently neither Planned Parenthood nor the DNC have answered directly ... as of yet. Either way The Pope and pro life Dems cannot be pleased. 


Thursday, August 15, 2024

Autumn is a comin'....

It must be almost Fall (my favorite season).  I see a touch of red in a far off tree and the bottom of my driveway is covered with gnarly apples as it is every other year or so. It's time to clean them off before I break my neck stepping on one of them when I get out of my Jeep to get the mail. (I almost did this the other day. Managed to grab a door handle on the way down.  So graceful... not.)  Actually there are way more apples this year than normal.  I wonder if that means we are in for a real winter. (That reminds me -- I need to purchase a 2025 Farmer's Almanac.) We haven't had an old fashioned winter in several years now.  Anyway -- think I will pick up driveway apples until they stop dropping and move them to the back pasture to feed the deer, bears and maybe the wild turkeys (not sure if the turkeys eat gnarly apples -- not sure if bears do either but the deer that hang out in and around my pasture definitely love them.  If I dump them in the right place, I will be able to watch a few of them dine every evening until the apples are gone or under deep snow. It's a peaceful sight.) 

Thinking of wild animals who seek haven in my back pasture -- it is also blackberry time ... and ... I seem to be in competition with what I call the neighborhood bear(s) because he/she/they have been around quite a lot this summer. One of my pasture neighbors has wonderful photos of at least one of them. It looks quite tall in the photos as he/she/it reaches up toward their bird feeder.  Let's say there is only one just to make the pronoun thing easier.  Anyway ... this particular bear does not share well. I have been trying to get enough berries for even one pie.  It's taking way too long. This bear hogs all the best berries.  I just hope I don't run into him/her while on a mission to get a few more.  For now, I just try to make a lot of noise and to have my trusty garden/yard/pasture vehicle nearby for a quick escape. Ah life in rural NW Pennsylvania.  I so love it. I really do.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

It's simple really...

didn't even consider voting for Joe Biden because, among other not so good characteristics, he is a self-confessed plagiarist (thief of words and liar), and because he just sort of makes my skin crawl and overall gives me the creeps. He is not worthy of my trust. 

I will not vote for Kamala Harris because she, too, has proven to be a liar and also because her behavior is disturbing and makes me uneasy.  It's simple really. I don't trust her either, and now that she is trying to remake herself in front of my eyes, I trust her even less.  As far as I am concerned she ranks right up there with main stream media on the "lack of truth" meter. 

        Harris has repeatedly said: "We have a secure border."  I heard her. 

     Harris repeatedly said that President Biden is a strong leader, sharp, healthy, and competent -- capable to serve as Commander in Chief of the United States. I heard her. So did you. She helped hide him from the American people.  Where is Biden now? Have you seen him lately? So it is that Kamala Harris is a liar who puts our nation in jeopardy with her lies. 

Now, all of a sudden, she says that she has changed... that her radical beliefs are now gone with the wind. Why would I believe anything she says?  She has already lied about important things... very important things. I only mentioned a couple of the obviously blatant ones.   There are a lot more, but I am trying not to be too wordy.  Then again -- I can't help but go a bit further. 

     Harris is now telling you (or her aides are "leaking"), primarily in pandering for your vote, that she is no longer a leftist extremist. She will tell you now, all of a sudden, that she will secure the border.  She will tell you now that she has changed her views on a lot of important issues, including energy independence and defunding the police. I must mention here that one of my nephews is a fine Police Officer who risks his life every single day to protect and serve. I will never support anyone who has ever supported and/or called for defunding ("reimagining") the police. Harris is no fan of police or of law and order -- or of a working justice system. Look at her record in California. Look quickly. She is trying to erase those facts as well. You may have noticed. 

There is that old saying that it is the prerogative of a woman to change her mind.  Be careful with that.  Kamala Harris is changing hers -- conveniently with no explanation of why. Perhaps she is only pretending. She is trying, at least for now, to erase her radical past.  She will lie and laugh... over and over again.  Perhaps she is laughing at you.  Don't be fooled .... Check her record of past deeds before it mysteriously disappears. Look at what she has not accomplished that she said she would. Look at how she has been forced upon the Democratic party as candidate for the Presidency. Poof -- and magic  -- she is the Democratic candidate for the President.  How did that happen? No Democrat voted for her.  She is the product of the leftist political machine. ..second generation puppet perhaps? Of most recent concern... take a look at her choice as a running mate. Walz fiddled while Minneapolis burned ... that among other very bad things. It will all come out. Radical both.

I am so tired of the lies. Americans deserve a leader who tells the truth to them, a leader who is present and talks to the American people directly, one who answers questions truthfully. Americans deserve a leader who is visible and accessible, one who does not turn his/her back on them and walk away. Americans deserve a leader who does not laugh at them. Americans deserve to choose their leader, not to have one forced down their throats as a possible contender. Americans deserve leaders who do not try to buy their votes by illegally cancelling student loans and forcing other hard working Americans to pay back money that others borrowed.  It's an upside down world.  It's got to stop.

People may not like "mean tweets", brutal honestly, or someone who refuses to play the games established by old school politicians, but at least you know who you are voting for.  I do not want a world of war and inflation to continue.  I want a world of peace and prosperity back again. I do not want a world of chaos in which politicians try every trick in the book to eliminate their competition. (It even makes one wonder who is behind the ineptitude of the Secret Service. How awful is that?) I do not want to live in a DEI world. I want competency rewarded. I want to live in an America that is energy independent once again and that does not enrich enemies under the table. I want to live in a world that firmly condemns anti-Semitism and racism of any sort.  I want a world of calm.  Plus .. I am not sure that the United States can withstand another four years of a weak and embarrassing president. I will vote for strength... for an established track record. I will vote for the return to a strong United States of America that is respected throughout the world.

One last thing.... Democrats in leadership roles have called me a lot of things. I take it personally.  I have been placed in a basket of deplorables. I have been blamed for the pandemic because I refused to take an experimental drug, and the President of the United States even tried to threaten me into submission with a looming possibility of a concentration camp of sorts for the unvaccinated. This is America today. Democratic party elite lunacy lumped me in with fascists and horrible people.  None of that worked apparently. Most recently they have changed their approach. I like that they, in imitation of Walz and the main stream media, are now just calling me (and others who disagree with them) weird.  I figure I am in good company. A dear friend of mine, who also happens to be weird, suggests that perhaps we weirdos should come up with a theme song.  Being weird sure beats being dishonest and manipulative. I may be weird, but I am not a plagiarist or a liar... or power hungry at the expense of others. Further -- I do not try to erase my past. I say "Dare to be Weird!".

I will vote for Donald J. Trump ... again.  Needless to say, I hope you will consider doing so as well. You do still have that choice. You do have the power of your intelligence, strength, and courage to stand against the manipulation and deceit of those who wish to mislead you. Ask yourself a couple of questions.  Is the world better off now than it was when Donald J. Trump was in office?  Are you better off? Ask yourself those questions after you have listened to the news, or been to get groceries. Ask yourself those questions after you have filled your vehicle with gasoline, or after you have seen people living on the streets. Ask yourself that when you read the statistics of what an open border has done to the American people or when you see a report of the current crime numbers. Ask yourself those questions while thinking of what WWIII may mean to humanity, you, your family. Think of trying to leave a better world for them and for future generations. 

Thursday, August 1, 2024

These are a few of my favorite things...

Never a huge fan of The Sound of Music, but... I do love the song about favorite things.  It's the small things that sometimes bring the deepest joy.

Because of my continuing efforts to stay on the bright side as much as possible, I am listing my personal favorite things and thinking that you may share some of them (as that song runs through your head). 

At the top of the list of course are ...

  • Time with Family
  • Time with Friends
Then in no special order ...
  • The aroma of lilacs or honeysuckle
  • Sounds of children laughing
  • Amusing old words of the English language like balter which, I recently learned, means "to dance gracelessly without particular art or skill, but perhaps with some enjoyment".  It fits me. I balter sometimes.
  • Communicating with eye contact with someone across the room who gets it... no words necessary.
  • Spontaneous laughing like the kind that hits until the coffee you are drinking comes out of your nose.
And then there is the change of seasons in NW PA
  • Spring green
  • Blue skies of summer
  • Fall foliage and the smell of burning leaves
  • First snowfall of substance and the quiet of winter 
The more I think about favorite things, the more I think of important items to add.  Life is good sometimes.  Hang onto that.