Thursday, March 9, 2023

Oompa Loompas, Selfies, and Eco-terrorists...


It seems to me that as far back as Socrates, we have a written record of the elder generations being critical of the younger ones.  Perhaps it is a side effect of age? Now that I am a septuagenarian, I am a member of this latest elder generation and I really think that I am less ornery and cantankerous than many of this group… although I do mute annoying commercials without guilt and in a rather short-tempered manner.  The thing is – I am thankful to have reached this point. Many friends and family did not. Further -- I find that …most often… I actually enjoy that the generation after me is in charge and get to make all those scary and difficult decisions.  We septuagenarians have done our time there. It’s their turn now. (Ah... remember the days when we thought our parents knew everything? Ah... the blessed ignorance of youth.)

In looking back though – at the same time as trying to keep up to date on the ways of today’s world - there are things that I find amusing in sort of a peculiar way.  Take today’s eco-terrorists for example.   They look surprisingly like many of the great American unwashed hippies of the 60s… same dirty, stringy hair, unruly beards, and frowny and sometimes self-righteous faces.  Sometimes there is even a similar tendency to move toward general irresponsibility and destruction of others’ property as their wishes take priority over everything. A major difference is the lack of Peace and Flower Power signs. I am thinking that they smell the same.

I also must admit that I find cell phone and selfie addiction to be amusing in a twisted way.  Perhaps it is because I, personally, shy away from photos.  It’s bad enough to see myself in the mirror in the morning and wonder who is looking back at me. I haven't changed my profile picture on Facebook in years. That speaks for itself.

I listen to members of two younger generations talk of concerns, of work and school and wonder if they could understand my world of yore. I think back to my Dad telling me about his younger days and wonder if I understand his.  I am not sure I ever thought a whole lot about the life my parents had before I arrived.  There were stories- highlights really, but not the day to day details... at least not enough to piece things together into a complete picture.

I find today's world to be nuts a lot of the time. One thing I know for sure though is that ... I have never ever wondered about the gender of the Oompa Loompas. In fact, I have serious concerns about those who do and about those who find it necessary to declare Oompa Loompas to be gender neutral. Who are these people who want to change the words of others or to ban books? Talk about the height of hubris and "know-it-allness". More fundamentally -- who are these people who think that the Oompa Loompas are real and would therefore be sensitive to such things? It's concerning. Rampant Ridiculosity is alive and well.  Personally I feel like just stepping over it, and moving along my way.  I have more important things to think about. As each day goes by, I am more and more sick of weirdos, no matter their chosen pronouns, trying to push their agendas in my face and down my throat. I am losing patience with all of it. You live your life; I will live mine. Personally... it would be nice to live in a less nutty world.  I am thinking that a lot of elder generations have thought that. They got by. Maybe I am more of a crabby old fuddy-duddy than I would like to acknowledge after all.

There is a lot I don’t understand, but I get by.

Out of step? Maybe.  Don’t care. (I know I am in good company. Go Boomers!)

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