Thursday, January 27, 2022

From cold morning grumpy to the stuffed purse...


Quite frankly there are some mornings that … even before my feet hit the floor … I just know that it is one of those days.  I have to watch myself because I am up to no good for sure.  I can tell.  Woe to anyone who crosses me or tries to take advantage of me on one of these days, and especially today  -- since it is -11ยบ this morning as I write this ... and there is ice on the inside of my windows.  Normally quite a sweet “older” lady, I do have my limits on patience.  (I have been working on patience for my entire adult life-- with limited success.) Anyway -- those who underestimate me because of my white hair and wrinkles should be careful … very careful.  I can hold my own. These traits are not mellowing with years. Not sure that is a good thing. Like I said - I have been working on it.  The thing is -- I think this may come from watching morning "news" when I first wake up. Morning “news” does not serve me well as a way to start my day. Neither do the current concerns of the world... but those are whole other topics about which I will try not to write... and, once again, I enter a news blackout phase... for a while.

So ... in spite of the fact that I am chomping at the bit to write about current events, broken promises by those in power, fear mongering in general, the latest misinformation, or the ever-spreading stupidity of people who should know better or of those in power who who underestimate the intelligence of the American citizenry, I am going to write about an amazing friend of mine – more specifically – about what all she carries in her purse – or used to anyway – that may have changed.  Not sure – but I doubt it. Some things just don’t change.  I count on that.  Anyway -- whenever I think of her purse … I am amazed. This topic is, of course, a continuation of my attempt to keep things light.

Now the thing is – I love purses.  I have a “coat rack” in my bedroom that is heavy with them. Many of them are probably over 50 years old, but look new from lack of use.  I dust them once in a while. I sometimes carry them even if they are almost empty except for the mandatory driver’s license, perhaps my cell phone (if I am not in escape mode), a credit card and cash for a tip if I am eating out somewhere.  I sometimes think I should “leave in” the original tissue paper stuffing that comes with them so that they at least look full.  I can’t think of anything else to put in them.  I don’t comb my hair or wear makeup, so none of those “necessities” are essential in my case unless it might be Chapstick. I find that Chapstick is an essential in these climes and... it doesn't take up much room.

In contrast is the purse of a good friend of many years.  I can always count on her to have a loaded handbag or shoulder bag. Regardless of style, said purse always matches her outfit too. (Must mention I think she has great taste in purses and in outfits.  Perfect actually.) However... I am surprised sometimes that she doesn’t find it difficult or exhausting to carry such cargo or that she doesn’t lean to one side from the weight of it all.  She is nothing if not prepared. It's impressive really.  Over the years, I have seen remarkable things appear from the depths of her purse.  I have seen spare socks, scissors, sewing kits, extra sun glasses, Kleenex, rubber bands and glue, not to mention Band-Aids, knitting needles and various odds and ends—sometimes mysterious items that I can’t identify appear as she is looking for something else.  In addition there are, of course, the usual makeup items – brush or comb, blush (perhaps) and one or more colors of lipstick and, of course, an accompanying mirror. Bet I have left out a lot of interesting and surprising items as well. I have, from time to time, wondered if she has sewn extra small perfect pockets into the lining of her purses to house sharp objects or for organizational purposes.  That’s another thing – she sews beautifully and often creates original sorts of treasures.  One time I discovered that she had made not only the napkins, but also the placemats on which she was serving lunch.  Amazing to me. Truly amazing. I still invite her to my house though.  She is most tolerant of store-bought stuff and of "my ways".

So – from cold morning grumpy to the full purse. Odd how the mind works sometimes. Plus  -- thinking of tolerant good friends always makes things better and brighter. Right?  

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Snow brownies...

Monday, January 17, 2022   It is “snow quiet” in the predawn hours this morning.  There is nothing quite like it.  If you live in snow country or ever have, you know exactly what I mean. The day slows down a bit in a comfortable way… and the day hasn’t even started yet.  I remind myself to enjoy it while it lasts and not to think about the digging out part. 

The only sounds I hear are the fire in the fireplace behind me, the occasional independent plow guy driving by and the soft hum of my computer.  For a moment – all is calm.  It is going to be a snow day… and that means – among other things … drum roll ... Snow Brownies (and/or hot cocoa). At least that is the plan here.

Now … Snow Brownies are a family tradition that my sister started years ago. She always kept brownie makings on hand for those days in Richmond, Virginia when everything shut down because of snow.  Have to say that it seemed to me that they shut down if someone in the next county saw a snow flake off in the distance, but then again those of the South are not as prepared for snow as those of us who live in the snow belt of Northwest Pennsylvania. Either way – flakes or feet – snow brownies are a tradition that is worthy of celebration. My sister was always full of great ideas.  I miss her.

Actually, it looks like we may have a few Snow Brownie days this week… and that’s okay too. Home made from scratch, Milk chocolate, Fudge or Chewy Fudge store-bought mixes – all good -- with or without nuts.  Take your pick and be prepared. Snow Brownies are a lovely and comforting tradition for sure…one worthy of continuing. Let it snow… Let it snow… Let it snow…. (like we have a choice in the matter...)  

Just trying to look on the bright side....  Hope you all are safe and warm.

Thursday, January 13, 2022

The Perfect Kiss


Sometimes it is hard not to get stuck in the muck of world events, but… I think it is important, at least once in a while for sanity's sake, to try to keep your head above all of that and fight to shake off the mud.  With that in mind – I am going to talk about kisses today.  More specifically – about Hershey kisses. (Hope you aren’t disappointed that it is not the kind of kiss you might have been thinking of, but then... I did sort of lead you there.  Not sorry.)

So… during the past month I confess that I purchased two party size bags of the original Hershey Kisses. I am an old-fashioned girl.  I am not one to deviate from the normal milk chocolate or even to try the other varieties Hershey has come out with of late. (Seriously – peppermint kisses?  No. I think not. Never.) I stick with the tried and true.  Now I try to tell myself that it is nice to have a few treats around for the grandchildren - especially during the Season, but I know – deep in my heart – that I really buy them mostly for me. They are a holiday guilty pleasure and I enjoy them every day during the season – sometimes one at a time and sometimes by the mouthful – a mouthful of melting wonderfulness. I have even eaten them for breakfast dessert.  My granddaughter and I think there needs to be a better way to wrap them though – that little paper strip and foil are a bit of a nuisance.  Seriously we had a meaningful discussion about this.  I think she is brilliant in her observations. 

Ah… Then again -- remember “It melts in your mouth, not in your hand(s)”?  That is a whole other world of melting wonderfulness – the M&M… also eaten one at a time or by the mouthful.  Yes… chocolate.  I actually know two people who don’t like chocolate.  They think it tastes like dirt.  I don’t remember what dirt tastes like – actually don’t remember ever tasting dirt… but I can say this.  I love these two people anyway and figure that I will just eat their share.  Somebody has to do it. Right?  It’s never good to waste good chocolate.

Must mention at this point in the excellent chocolate discussion that you haven’t lived if you have not had the opportunity to try Peggy Gray chocolate treats and candy.  They have a lovely shop in North Springfield, PA on Holliday Road.  I wish I lived closer. You need to put a trip there on your bucket list. Truly. I also have to mention, for local people, who will most definitely know what I mean,  that I still long for the now gone Ritz candy – I used to eat their chocolate until my tongue was raw. Ah – those were the days.

One last comment…. Not that I would ever feel the need to justify this need for sweetness, but really -- it does provide a way up and out of the muck. Actually there is a scientific basis to this -- endorphin release  -- caused by chocolate  - aka the "feel good" chemicals.  I think it is a relatively harmless guilty pleasure and a nice temporary escape. It sure beats other things that I can think of. Yes… the perfect kiss is one of the best.  So … I have now kissed and told. I don't think that I am alone in all of this.

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Steep Steps and no railings....


And so, a new year begins…  Welcome to 2022. Are you as excited as I am? (Wish there were an impressive emoji with rolling eyes.)  Never one to keep New Year’s Resolutions, I discontinued the process of making them many years ago. Personal experience has taught me that such resolutions only induce feelings of failure, and who needs to self-inflict those?  Not me. I have determined that chipping away at barriers and trudging, step-by-step (no matter how steep) is way more satisfying and productive in the long run. Plus – the process is spread more evenly throughout the year that way and whatever the plan/project is then seems more doable. More and more – I like to take my time. Then – there is the fact that the past couple of years have been filled with steep steps and all of us had to slow down a bit and take our time. It has been difficult sometimes to navigate in what has become our world … for now.

On a personal level this attitude of taking my time works physically for me as well.  I must admit I am slowing down a bit and… am totally comfortable with that (as if I had a choice).  Case in point is the issue of literally carrying things up and down stairs with no longer trust-worthy knees. (Artificial knees are great, but they don't work the same way as real knees. Can you relate -- with real or replacement parts?) Back to the steps concept. It is twelve steps to my basement from my kitchen.  I have railings on both sides of the stairway.  I would like to say that this is only precautionary, but truthfully, I rely on both railings on a regular basis. Such reliance doesn’t work well when trying to transport items up and down the stairway unless you hang them around your neck. Picture that. I have even taken to storing canning jars and Christmas decorations on the main floor of my house – just to make things easier. Guests might think that a stack of wooden boxes or the occasional lidded basket are decorative.  No.  Each is filled with holiday cherished odds and ends or other “stuff” that used to dwell in the basement.  My basement gets emptier every year.  Most of what is down there now belongs to my adult children. Anyway – convenient, main floor storage simplifies my life and helps keep me feeling independent.

When all else fails though, I can always count on my Grands to help out. They handle stairs well. Everyone likes to feel useful, right?  Plus, I pay well if the job is a real time consumer.  So – with all this in mind – I want to share a recent observation with you that called to mind days of yore when I, too, could fly down the stairs without hanging onto anything and without the now ever-present fear of falling.  I distinctly remember doing this when attending elementary school in an old two-story building in which the stairs were so worn that there were rather deep and impressive indentations from years of heavy traffic.  For those of you who live where I do, you may remember doing the same in the now demolished Wright Street School. It was a grand old building.  The stairs, and actually the whole building, had a certain appealing “character”.  I particularly loved the large wooden desks.

To get to the point though – recently I needed large, heavy, awkward items moved from the basement to the living room so … I called upon my local grandson who is always ready and willing to do whatever I ask.  I watched in awe as he literally flew down a full flight of stairs as only a strong healthy kid can do – his size 13s barely skimming the steps as he descended.  And he certainly was not holding onto railings – on either side.  I tell you - it was impressive!  I must admit that I was a little envious of the ability and the ease with which he moved. He also did in two trips what would have taken me at least seven… and he did this in much less time and without a dolly. (I keep thinking I should get one of those.) Anyway …

I have been striving to get into better shape now for 30 weeks and have made some progress, but I have to tell you – I will never again do stairs like he does.  I can think of days of yesterday and remember, but it’s not quite the same.  Hope he appreciates his ability to move so easily and with such confidence. Some day he may look back as I do now and remember. 

Sometimes it is easier to look back than to look forward.  I am okay with that too. It’s been a rough few years… for the entire planet. Maybe 2022 will be better. (Could use that rolling eye emoji here as well.) Whatever the future holds, I do hope that it doesn’t involve a lot of "steep steps". Aren’t we all tired of them especially when there are no railings?