Using an explosive “b” (as in buh, buh, buh)... and way
too much repetition …
Needing a big break from the bleak blunders and
blurry blasts of build back better… I come to you today with a few questions.
- Did we have to allow one large country
in Central Asia collapse and at the same time potentially desert Americans and
allies in order to build back better?
- Did we have to make our great nation
become weak and disrespected across the entire world in order to build back
- Did we have to annihilate the fuel independence
of the United States in order to build back better?
- Did we have to let a booming economy slide
toward recession in order to build back better?
- Did we have to allow – even encourage
crime to run rampant in order to build back better?
- Did we have to increase consumer
prices across the board – in food, travel, gasoline, and vehicle prices in
order to build back better?
- Did we have to allow open southern borders and thus enhance the spread of the damncovid throughout unexpecting and generous communities throughout the country in order to build back better?
- Did we have to try to cram through legislation that will create debt that generations to come will struggle to pay in order to build back better?
To add insult to
injury, just as promised, we will get to pay for all of this with increased
taxes. You know – -- to build back
Just what does it mean to build back
Do we have to ignore/put down/sabotage
all that is good about our country to build back better?
When does the good part of build back
better begin?
I wait with bated breath while I watch biden’s
back as he turns and walks away from the American people and perhaps heads to
his basement bunker… as usual. One final
question. Who is it that instructs the
President to answer only questions from designated members of the press? Who has that power? Who prepares his answers? Better believe that is baffling. Okay – enough.
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