Thursday, January 7, 2021

And so 2021 begins...

 Here we are in the new year that all of us have been waiting for with hope and anticipation of a new beginning of, among other wonderful things, a healthier, calmer, kinder year. So… obviously, that is not happening. I don’t know about you, but it is going to take me awhile to sort out all the events of yesterday. And – if the “news” is an indication of anything, I simply must mention that among all the things that we need to think about as American citizens is that all Representatives and Senators -- well all elected officials actually -- need to take pause and think what they have done or not done to contribute to all that has happened and is happening and … all that will happen.  It is so easy to point fingers, but as my best friend’s Mom used to say when we were growing up, “Be careful when pointing fingers, because when you do, there are four more fingers pointing back at you.  She also reminded us to ask ourselves three questions before talking.  “Is it kind? Is it true? Is it necessary?  She was a most wise woman. I miss her.

I, for one, am going to take some time now to try to sort out what is going on in our wonderful country.  Oh, how I wish I had a source of information that was not telling me what I should think and feel about things.  I have always questioned just how objective a reporter of news could be, because there is, after all, the human component to be considered, but in these times the “news’ is so slanted and full of opinion that it is difficult to sort anything out and that slant and opinion changes as the channels change.

Reporters during the Vietnam era simply lied outright to the American people.  In contrast or perhaps in addition to the lying aspect, reporters today of the mainstream “news” have become commentators, not conveyors of events. And the thing is, they don’t even try to disguise their role.  They are just “in your face’ with their interpretation of things assuming, blatantly, that of course you will believe them because you are stupid. Well – that is just not true.  I am not stupid. You are not stupid.  All of this makes it beyond difficult to sort through all the muck. The thing is – the news media still doesn’t get it.  We are on to them. It would be sad if it were not so potentially dangerous. Well maybe it is still sad. 

So here we are again, just when we hoped things could be different – you know – the dreams of healthier, calmer, kinder times.  It’s discouraging. It’s exhausting. “The more things change, the more they stay the same”. I had hoped for better.  I am thinking that you did too.  Sorry – no magic wands here.  If I had one, I would share it with you.  Honest.

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