Thursday, April 7, 2016

Happy Birthday, Mom!

Today our Mom would have turned 97 years old.  

I think of her every day.  I miss her every day.  My sister does too.

Our Mom was unique and special in many ways, but sometimes, it is the simple things that are the most comforting when you miss someone every day ... simple reminders like the appearance of hands, the sound of a voice,  facial expressions, a special smile, gestures, the appearance of eyes and eye lashes.... Memories associated with each of these calls forth a deeper significance - a memory beyond the memory and all that is associated with who that person was/is. I know that those who have "lost" a loved one totally "get this".

It's interesting to me that I have my Mom's hands and sometimes my voice sounds like hers. (At times I even hear her words and expressions coming out of my mouth.) I look at my hands and hear my voice and know that she is a part of who I am.  It's nice really...comforting.  I would like to be more like her in other ways as well. 

I love that there are times when I can see a glimmer of her in facial expressions on my sister's face or in the way my sister's eyes move and focus on something. I am keenly aware that every time I see my sister, she looks more like our Mom. Sometimes my sister has her exact smile. Our Mom is a part of my sister also. It's nice.

Somehow I know that our Mom knows that her children and grandchildren are doing just fine making their way -- and that she knows that she has great grandchildren now.  I believe this. I believe that she leaves little hints of her presence when she checks in on us. Knowing these things is comforting.

At times my granddaughter reminds me of her - especially in the way her hands move when she talks.  My granddaughter also has our Mom's eyes and eye lashes.  I like that.

Mom's are special, remarkable people. Our Mom -- especially so. She touched many lives in most positive ways throughout her time. Actually she continues to do so. It's nice really...comforting.

Happy Birthday, Mom!  Thinking of you as always , but today ...especially so. 


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