Thursday, March 10, 2016

Is is kind? Is it true? Is it necessary?

I can hear her voice inside my head as I type... It is the voice of my best growing up friend's Mom saying, "Girls....  Before you speak, ask yourself, Is it kind? Is it true? Is it necessary? "  I remember at that time thinking, and probably saying out loud, that if I always remembered to ask myself those three questions, I would never speak.  The thing is though -- all kidding aside ---- that is wise advice. 

Okay -- you probably know what I was going to talk about, but... here's the dilemma -- I can't say what I was going to say because what I was going to say doesn't pass the three question test... well... not completely. It is true and it is necessary.  I just can't figure out how to say it kindly.  So -- let me just say this.  How long until we are done with all the hoopla in preparation for the next presidential election?  I have to say.... I am sick of the smack talking.   Nasty, nasty, nasty.... Trash talk is not kind, is often not true, and is not necessary... and ...  it doesn't look nice on people in suits who want to be president.  It is not a good fit with things presidential.

It doesn't matter to me that there have been office seekers all over the world and in all times who have acted like this.  It's still hard to take. So -- I will meet you out there where people know and act like they know that nice matters. Nice does matter, Right? There is a place like that somewhere out there. Right? 

Please say that there is. 

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