Anyway -- back to the writer's block list making thing. For some reason I began to focus on peeves yesterday. I worked diligently on making a list of things that annoy me beginning with my compulsion to fold fitted sheets neatly and ending with Kim Jong-un's haircut. (Oh come on -- you know who I mean. Seriously....) Have you seen pictures of his wife, by the way? Ri Sol-ju is really quite cute. Suddenly I find myself wondering what they talk about at the dinner table. (Talk about walking on egg shells.)
So -- to refocus and to move away from scary stuff -- here is my list of things that annoy me:
- folding fitted sheets
- everything about the metric system
- that I can never remember how to pronounce nuclear or how to spell prescription
- that I always have to look up the difference between affect and effect
- that there is no "x" in espresso
- the way President Obama skips as he deplanes and that he doesn't even hold on to the railings. (Show-off)
- Hillary Clinton's clothing -- style and colors
- Kim Jong-un's haircut.
Please feel free to add some of your favorite annoyances in the comment area or share with me the next time I run into you. I would love to know.... I would also like to know if you will confess to being one of "us" as far as the actual list making is concerned. It's not a bad thing. Lists are important.