Thursday, March 6, 2025

All the Rage

It was one of those days.  Been there before.  Will be there again.  Was looking back on my life in a nonserious way and thinking about the changes from days of yore and about which ones have made what seemed to me, at first, to be small improvements, but which have really turned out to be huge.

  • automatic garage door openers
  • ball point pens
  • snow blowers
  • remote control everything
  • all weather tires
  • personal computers, etc.
  • permanent press clothing
  • waterproof outerwear
The list could go on and on. Bet you could come up with a bunch more. 

Then I was thinking about bullet points. Look at them.  Fun, aren't they?  They make such a nice, clean list.  And ... they are so in the news these days... all the "rage". One day last week -- just for fun -- I made a bullet point list of what I had done around the house in what were the previous ten minutes and came up with seven relatively substantial accomplishments. Doesn't seem like it would be hard to come up with five things a person had accomplished in an entire week.  And ... bulllet points are such a good way to make a list ... easy peasy. 

Reminising again... back in the day when I worked as a teacher I was required to submit lesson plans each Friday that would account for how I planned to spend every minute of every work day for the following week -- listing each lesson for each class and how it would be accomplished... in some detail.  Then from time to time, I was observed by an administrator to make sure that I was doing what I said I was going to do. In contrast -- a five point bullet list covering an entire week seems like a piece of cake. Maybe the request is simply a "pulse check" after all. I am okay with that too. Nothing to whine about really. 

Not sure I am keeping up well with all the change, but - one thing for sure -- I am not going to make myself nuts about it. Whining seems to be all the rage these days too.  It's not just bullet point lists that are making the news.  The thing is -- I am just not into whining.  No one listens anyway -- except maybe other "high pitched constant complainers". Sometimes I wish they could hear themselves. I don't think the whiners listen well -- to themselves or to others.  It's sort of sad really. Maybe they should make a list of good things going on around them. I wish they could smile about something ... anything. 

Actually - after watching the behavior of the frowny faced, seemingly hateful Democrat "leadership" Tuesday evening during the President's Address to Congress,  I wish they could, not only hear themselves, but also see themselves. They seem to be caught in the Grinch mode or worse. It's not a good look ... tone deaf, self-servingly blind, rude and insensitive to others who have suffered greatly. As a writer friend of mine says -- like the Grinch, their hearts seemed 3 sizes too small. It's a bad combination of surly behaviors. It doesn't serve them well. It was ugly. They seem stuck somehow. Sad really. 

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