Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Throw a Stone...

My Great Uncle Bert, of the wise and twinkly eyes, sometimes said if you throw a stone into a pack of dogs, the one that yelped the loudest was the one you hit. 

Then there is the oft repeated --  "The lady doth protest too much, methinks." (Hamlet)

The list of quotations about this sort of thing could go on and on.  Apparently these are, once again, the times to witness what happens when the guilty know they are going down.  The stone hits. In response -- protests, trying to divert attention away from the source of crimes with vulgar language, name calling, false accusations, and off key singing.   Then there is my least favorite -- screaming from a lectern/pulpit in feigned righteous indignation. In response, other well used sentences:   Follow the money. The truth will out.

Most adults know that you do not command respect by screaming -- no one listens. The recipient just watches the ugliness of the open mouth ... of flailing arms and fists ... of the nasty name calling ...  and -- puts up barriers in response. It's not going to work. Crying, stomping feet and pouting are machinations somewhat like the behavior of toddlers -- only toddlers soon figure out that those behaviors do not work and ... toddlers are not evil trying to accuse others of doing what they have been doing all along.  

Progress will not be stopped. The American people voted for an honest and smaller government. The American people voted for justification of the spending of their tax dollars.  The swamp is being drained -- finally.  Mistakes will be made and corrections will be put into place. Eventually the dust will settle in a new world of less bureaucracy, less graft and fraud... and a new beginning. Americans have been trying to do this for years.  Now is the time.  It's a process. It is sometimes painful.  I am sad for all those who will suffer the disillusionment that comes with revelation of the truth.  It's hard when the trusted fall off their pedestals.  We have all been there at some point in time. It's a part of it all.  It's a human thing.  Sad but true.  

We Americans are in this together. Hopefully we can move on together in a better, stronger United States.  Hopefully we now have a government that will tell us where our hard earned tax money goes and not try to hide it. The popular word here is transparancy. So far so good. Hopefully we will soon be headed away from the dangers of bankrupcy.  It's painful but necessary.  A country needs to run on a budget too. Our government, as Abraham Lincoln said,  is of, by and for the people. We need to get back there.  It's past time. I am quite certain that Great Uncle Bert would agree.

1 comment:

  1. To quote CA Rep MAXINE WATERS: Well, you know what happened at Treasury and you know what happened over at the CFPB and the people of this country are being violated because all of our privacy is being taken up by Elon Musk and Trump and we don't know what all they have on us, our bank accounts, everything in our lives.
