Was texting with one of my nephews a few days back. He lives in the South and was on his way to get snow brownies as snow was on its way in. Apparently when you live in the South and there is even a mere possibility of snow, school in cancelled -- sometimes at the point of the forecast of the possibility -- at least that is my understanding. This ready cancelling of school is something that people who live in the snow belt have difficulty understanding. But -- one important consolation for some is -- snow brownies. Snow belters should borrow this tradition just in case they ever have a snow day.
The snow brownie "thing" is a family tradition that my sister started for her family. I heartily recommend it and am pleased that my nephew is continuing the tradition. On snow days -- Snow Brownies are mandatory. I know my sister always kept a mix or brownie makings on hand just in case one snow flake had the audacity to appear anywhere near Richmond, VA. Snow brownies make a snow day even more special.
Now here in Northwest PA where we are now over 120" of the white stuff with more in the forecast, we would love to have a snow day and sometimes wonder what it would take to have one. It seems that our school buses, however, can drive through three foot drifts and maneuver on unplowed roads. I sometimes wonder when the visibility is bad if they navigate by radar. Nevertheless -- we keep waiting... ever hopeful... some of us craving snow brownies. Then again -- we did have a mud day one spring because so many of the dirt roads were unpassable. So there is that hope. For those of you who are not rural -- mud days are similar to snow days, but are easier to manage unless you live on a dirt road. We have many, many dirt roads here in rural Northwest PA. Must also mention because it sort of fits in here -- we also know how to navigate by telephone pole. If you live around here, you will know exactly what that means especially if you are driving in snow fog. Telephone poles, if you can see them, can give a driver some idea of where the road is -- the one you are hoping that you are driving on.
Note: Four wheel and all wheel vehicles are very popular around here because they are needed, not just because they are "cool". That is also why every other pick-up truck has a plow attached from October to May.
Anyway -- there is something tremendously special about a snow day - snow brownies or not. Maybe because it is the unexpected -- a nice surprise to find out you can stay a bit longer in your warm bed. Even the rare two hour delay is a nice treat. The three hour delay is even rarer, but possible and also a gift of time. You find yourself with unplanned, unscheduled hours ahead of you. You can do whatever you want. It is a surprise gift of free time with the added benefit of choice .. and maybe snow brownies.
The thing is that at this point in my life -- every day is sort of a Snow Day for me. I like that a lot -- and even thinking about snow brownies makes me smile. I could make them any day I wanted. Wonder why I don't? Can't even remember the last time I had a warm chocolaty brownie -- snow or otherwise.
Okay -- am off now. I need to spread some salt to hopefully melt enough ice and snow that I can get out of my garage in 4-wheel drive. I shoveled and the plow guy came yesterday... but guess what... the snow is back. So is the ice -- on top and underneath the snow. It's the double whammy. Maybe it will be a snow brownie day. Just need to find my way to a store. Good thing I drive a vehicle with the 4-wheel drive option. Yay Jeep Wrangler! It gets me where I need to go for sure -- just wish these days that my trusty Wrangler was easier to get in and out of. It is especially hard to maneuver with big boots, and my bulky floor length winter coat. Ah Spring... when are you headed this way?