Thursday, January 23, 2025

Memes of the Week

 Memes sometimes just make my day.  I wish I were one of those people who thought of them and knew how to "make" them.  May have to do some research on that process. I did run across a free Meme Generator once. Will have to go back to that - if I can find it. Plus -- wish I knew how the term Meme even came to be. Guess I will look for that as well.

To get closer to today's topic -- there are two memes that are in competition for the best that I encountered this past week.  This first is

                    Dear Winter... 

                        Stop it.   (from @anxiousandy!)

The second is a photo of a smiling Lawrence Welk with his conducting baton in hand. (I have no idea who created this meme, but it is great!) The words superimposed at the top -- "If you were forced to watch this as a child, you may be entitled to compensation."  I so remember sitting on the floor in front of my Grandma Bessie's TV watching The Lawrence Welk Show on her little TV that could receive two channels on a good day,  and ... cannot forget the Ed Sullivan Show while I am at it. They are not my most painful of childhood memories for sure ... but -- they are on the list. Anyway -- back to the topic -- The Welk meme dropped in and all I could hear in my head was "and a one and a two..."  

Have to mention though that although I was never a Welk fan, I always wished I knew how to dance the polka.  Still do. Am I alone in this? I do think I am now a bit past the point of donning a full skirt with high heels, and certainly should not attempt the swirling even in my bare feet.  I missed the opportunity on that one.  I will deal with it.  I do know how to square dance though - or at least I used to.  That was taught in fifth grade at my elementary school. It was mandatory and I was totally freaked about it. I recall that was the first time I had to dance with a boy ...  back in the days when I thought all boys had cooties.  His name was Harold Eddy. He did not have cooties.  Odd that I can remember that and not where I put my phone.  Is there a meme brewing in all of this? Perhaps....

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