Thursday, May 2, 2024

Caught between weather and weeds ...

Still early Spring here in NW Pennsylvania and we are caught between the weather and weeds.  I know that I, for one, find myself itchin' to get outside to pull weeds, pick up sticks, etc. and the rains and soggy, spongy ground are still getting in the way.  Then there is the temperature.  It seems like all the dry days are bone numbing cold (especially tough on hands and feet) and the rest of the warmer days are too rainy off and on to get anything done outside. For those of us who have spent most of every day inside for the entire eight months or so of winter that we have in these parts, these days are long. We stand at the window each day to see if we can see buds on the trees. You know that when you begin to count the number of each variety of birds each day that you have been inside too long.

My grandson came to mow earlier this week as my grass was so tall it was making my home look like an abandoned shed, and he managed to get the job done in spite of too many downed pinecones and branches.  The wonderful person who mows my pasture to keep the tall grasses and undergrowth from spreading through my lawn and covering my house also mowed that day.  He was on and off that old Ford tractor that was pulling his trusty brush hog more times than I could count. I happened to see him several times dragging huge limbs out of the way.  I should have had those branches all cut and in the wood pile weeks ago ...  but ... alas ... too wet.  And -- by the way -- it rained off and on while both were mowing.  Ah Spring in NW PA.

The Farmer's Almanac predicts that we are to have a wetter summer than usual in these parts. Oh goody ...!  Looks like the weeds will win ... again.  It is going to be, apparently, one of those "make hay while the sun shines" summers. We will see.  Good thing we are of hearty stock around here. Good thing skin doesn't mildew. 

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