Thursday, September 29, 2022
You Learn Something New Every Day
Thursday, September 22, 2022
An Unexpected kindness....
Those of you who are local are most likely aware of the gentleman who often sits in his wheel chair next to the road in front of the Corry Manor on Worth Street. He smiles and waves to passers by. There was an article about him in the local newspaper a bit ago. The Journal article, by Chloe Forbes, is entitled "Manor resident uplifts community with a simple smile". It is a warm and positive human interest piece -- nice in these nutty and often dark times. The gentleman, Doug Austin, thinks of what he does as a "smile and wave ministry". I think that is most apt. It does my heart good to see his smile and to smile and wave back to him -- a total stranger. It is the bond of a kindness that ends up moving both ways -- good for both sides of the exchange. Double kindness. A smile and a wave -- simple, but powerful kindness. The whole "thing" makes me think....
Of all the words written about kindness, these are my favorite.
An unexpected kindness is the greatest gift.
An unanticipated smile, a nod of approval or understanding, a gesture of thoughtfulness… all unspoken but carrying a strong message. They cost nothing really, but are priceless. Thank you, Doug Austin, for your unexpected kindness. Like my Mom used to say -- "Reach out to those within your reach. Sometimes that is enough and you have no idea how far that reach may extend."
If you are so inclined -- wherever you are reading this blog, consider mailing a postcard with a "smile and wave" to:
Doug Austin
The Corry Manor
640 Worth Street
Corry, PA 16407
Imagine for a moment what it would be like for him to realize that there are people all over the United States and even in several other countries where people happened upon this blog who are returning his smile and his wave. (Feel free to click on Share as well... Imagine for a moment what that might do...)
Thursday, September 15, 2022
Recently I was an unwitting participant in a conversation about hashtags. It involved three generations of participants, of whom I represented the oldest of the three. To add to the discomfort of the situation, the conversation took place in a driveway on a muggy, buggy late afternoon . Now here is the dilemma.
I know what a hashtag is. # See? I have, for practical purposes, no idea what they are used for today. All this time, I was the innocent who was
content to use # to mean number… as in #5 on some list or as a (lb.) sign. Therefore … I am sure that you can imagine
that I had no idea what the conversation was about.
It all started when my grandson, the ever-brilliant representative
of the youngest generation involved in this mess, created an Instagram account
for me to put forth my blog – known up to this point as From Pencil Box to
Keyboard on BlogSpot and shared weekly on Facebook as well. The concept, if I understand correctly, was/is
to further “boost” my blog. I had no idea how Instagram works and still don’t. From what I can tell, it is mostly about
sharing pictures and not blogs, but what do I know? We have not, up to this point, figured out a
way to even share the link to Pencil Box on Instagram without a series
of hold and move (swipe), screen shots and assorted other miseries – so confusing to me
that I have no idea why he even thinks my blog belongs on that platform. I watched as his thumbs flew through a series
of fast moves, trying this and that. It
was spellbinding. He is most impressive in
his thumb texting skills. I confess that there were times while he was at work on my phone, (all the while sputtering inside his head that I have an Android and not an iPhone), that my eyes rolled up into my head. I simply could not follow and wasn't sure that I wanted to.
Meanwhile, my daughter, his mother – the middle
generation of this conversation that occurred in their driveway… was suggesting
that I use hashtags to get more followers.
Mistake. Apparently, according to
the youngest generation, hashtags are not used on Instagram. Ever. It was an emphatic -- never ever. Who knew? Furthermore – I was innocently thinking that
I had plenty of views on my blog already and was already wondering how I could
delete my Instagram account.
Now the difficulties of the situation were then further confounded by the fact that my daughter and I found the whole hashtag concern to be hilarious. Perhaps we were tired. Perhaps it was the look of frustration on the youngest generation’s face. Much laughter ensued. Anyway – she then suggested that I post the blog on Pinterest…. Now… I thought, heretofore, that Pinterest existed only to share crafty "stuff". What do I know? Obviously, I was/am out of the loop. Unfortunately, with the mention of Pinterest, the terms "platform" and "search engine" came into play along with the "hashtag" concerns, and I knew at that point that I was totally useless and out of my league. I just wanted to go home and throw together a meatloaf and read a book while it was in the oven.
Oh, how I sometimes yearn for the simplicity of the past when # meant number or how many pounds of something ... and a platform was something on which one stood, off which one dived, or perhaps a short-lived shoe style. As for search engines… I will just stick with Google. I have that one figured out.
Oh -- I have also learned that one does not use spaces between words in hashtags. Apparently, Twitter made that "rule" which gives you some idea of Twitter wisdom validity. I also read the other day that one does not use punctuation in texts. Now that is just asking for trouble.
Wednesday, September 7, 2022
Truths as I know them...
After careful research and a lot of thought – the
following are some truths as I have come to know them … and, as always ... a few questions. I am hoping that this will be my last super serious blog of a political nature for a while. That being said...
There seems to be no end to government spending
these days. (How soon until taxpayers
are footing bills in the quadrillions or maybe “zillions”?) Yet … no one seems
to be tracking the money that is being spent or know from where it is coming. The small print is getting smaller and smaller. Reports of fraud, graft and
misuse are fighting their way to the surface.
Perhaps 87,000 new IRS agents will help gather the necessary funds to
support this current trend toward big government. (Are there 87,000 qualified people who want to work for
the IRS? Will they wear uniforms?)
The reputations of the DOJ and the FBI have seen
better days. It is a serious and well-earned image problem. (Time to clean house there as well?)
Currently at a 40 year high, inflation is ever
growing. Respect for law and order is not. Dependence on enemies for fuel –
both gas and oil - is the new trend after a time of gas and oil independence. Homelessness is ever increasing especially along the western coast and in larger cities. (Does the clock need to be turned back to better days?)
Although denied and/or ignored by some … as of January
2021, there is an ever-growing border crisis of historic magnitude. We are witness to child trafficking, deadly drug smuggling, and literally millions
of illegal entries -- all seemingly sanctioned by those in power and not
reported by leftist media. Sanctuary cities are now regretting their stance
when the reality of what that means sets in. (Can they hear themselves? Do they know that their complaints define hypocritical?)
The United States of America is no longer viewed
as the strongest county in the world and the hasty and chaotic departure of
troops from Afghanistan has brought shame to our country. The ill-planned
withdrawal that included desertion of Americans and those who supported them is
unconscionable and an ugly stain on our history. (Where is the weaponry that we also left behind in the mad dash to evacuate? Will that, too be used against us and our allies?)
The high price of gasoline, food and well .. everything essential and nonessential, rising crime as the result of
the defund the police travesty, and help wanted signs have replaced weather and
the upcoming winter as most popular topics for casual conversation … and… it
now looks like the government thinks it is okay not to honor debt. (What lessons
does this teach? Does fair and equitable matter?)
The FBI and leftist media colluded to block the Hunter Biden story. (Do people know that our current President is a self-confessed plagiarist and that he doesn't seem to think it is a big deal to steal the work of others? How does this relate to his honesty? Can you believe anything he says? Is there a parent in the entire world who does not discuss business/work with their adult children? How scary is it that out President denies ever discussing business with his son?)
It has been confirmed that elite Dems, somehow seemingly beyond the reach of
the law, at least for now, were behind the whole Russia collusion hoax. They
seem to be guilty of doing everything that they accuse the opposition of doing -- once again. I am not the only person who sees this these days now that the truth has come to the surface. (Why aren’t people talking about it more?)
Stay-at-home, mask, and vaccine mandates have now
been proven to be harmful to people. Some continue to deny this. It is sad what fear can do to good hearted and intelligent people. Fear is a tool to manipulate and to control.
Moronic is becoming part of the new definition of
Woke Movement. People are waking up to the damage, narrow mindedness, and
injustice of Woke philosophy. (Is Cancel Culture on the way out?) Remember: Freedom above
Everything and that means freedom for everyone - even if you disagree with them. The American people need to stand together in this.
One of, if not, the most unfortunate and
uncomfortable jobs these days is that of the White House Press Secretary. The
American people know when a question is not answered or when a lie(s) is/are
being told. Duh. (How stupid to "they" think we are?)
At times the world seems to have turned upside down and is beginning to spin. It is not the first time this has happened. We will see light at the end of the tunnel even if it seems very dark along the way. (Are you able to find your voice?)
In addition to all the aforementioned concerns, decisions need to be made about saving babies, protecting the rights of children, improving education, as well as about protection of constitutional rights and ways to put America first once again. The list goes on and on. The future of all Americans depends on decisions that we can help make.
So -- these are some truths as I know them and a few questions that I think are important. I am hoping that you might think about them as the Midterm Elections get closer and closer. They are now just a few weeks away. Do your research. Please keep your truths in mind as you head to the polls. Pray that you can believe what politicians say they will work to accomplish. Exercise your right to vote. Let your voice be heard. Remember... elected officials are supposed to be working for you. You are their boss. (Are they listening to you? If not -- don't vote for them.)
Perhaps it is time for a change – a swing back to
better times for the American people. A
swing back can be a step forward. Fingers crossed. (Have we learned what voting
from hatred can do to a country?) Let us
pull together. There are no second-class citizens. As well as divisive, it is just plain wrong
to label people as deplorable or semi-fascist in order to denigrate and to
rally opposition. Such behavior is divisive and just plain nasty. It is the propagation of scapegoating, fear and hatred and that is never a good
thing for anyone. Never. Ever. No matter what your point of view.
Friday, September 2, 2022
Not my sweater...
The words you choose are powerful. So are the words of others.
When describing things that are happening to you, I think you need to be careful of "owning" whatever it is. How many times have you heard others refer to "my" cancer, "my" arthritis, "my" divorce ....? Using these words limits who a person is. Any person is more than their most current challenge(s). Any person is way more than their relationships or lack thereof. To go a step further.. any person is way more than an affiliation with a political party or what church they may or may not attend. Any person is so much more than a bunch of labels. As the days go by, I remind myself not to "own" these heavy things when I catch myself doing so. I am more than my age, what I do, where I live or even whether or not I line my garbage cans or steam my bathroom floors.
When you link something to you, it is like that something becomes a sweater that you put on sleeve by sleeve and wrap around you. Or perhaps, something that you carefully stow away in the zipper compartment of your purse or wallet and then carry around with you - always - forever. It becomes then a part of who you are and is so much more difficult to push away or at least off to the side -- or even to put on the shelf temporarily. The label limits and defines ... maybe not in good or helpful ways. The label becomes too heavy.
Choose words wisely ... before they define and limit who you are/how you see yourself. People are more than their problems and labels ... so much more. People are also more than the labels that others hang on them for whatever purpose including the divisive, hateful, and/or vindictive. Case in point ... I have yet to meet a deplorable or semi-fascist and I have encountered and interacted with a lot of people in my day. Those are labels that I refuse to put on myself or anyone ... not my sweater; not yours either.
Thursday, September 1, 2022
Play it Again #10: "There's an App for That..."
First posted in February 2015 ...and so ends the Play it Again posts....
"There's An App for That"
Have trouble making friends or organizing your closet?
Want to learn how to play the sitar or to follow police scanners?Need to find info on nearby ghost hunting possibilities or perhaps want to check the McDonald's menu?
It seems that no matter what the desire, interest, or need, there's an app for that. What interesting times we live in. The words "There's an app for that" are now as familiar or even more so than "Where's the beef?"
Now that I have figured out what an app is, here are a few questions I have. Who designs apps? Do you have to go to school for that? Can you make your own app? Is there money in doing so? As with so many "techy" things, I am at almost a total loss here. I sit back and watch. The whole process is amazing. For example -- in answer to one of my questions -- I saw on TV that one of those, who some might call a workout hunk, hired an app designer to create his own app to demonstrate his muscle building prowess. That he is also showing off his heavily tattooed upper torso and abs, of which he seems to be most fond, is beside the point. Wear a shirt for crying out loud. (Uh oh - "I'm sorry. Did I type that out loud?") -- Apps aside for a moment --- I wish him well with his fifteen minutes of fame. He is young and doesn't realize that not all men can be Jack LaLanne. He doesn't see "it" (the ab to flab progression) coming. I think we need to give him some room. It's only kind. I mean -- what happens to tattoos on a body as a person "matures"? Wait a minute -- Is there an app for tattoo removal? Probably. Never mind -- problem solved.
.... I cannot imagine what else new will happen in the field of apps - probably in the next nanosecond. It seems like just yesterday that I was wondering what .com meant or how the Internet could function without wiring. Hang on everybody... this new app phenomenon is opening up new worlds that we never imagined.
Note... my daughter ran across an app that she suggested I consider for this blog entry. It is called "Ghost in your photos - Prank" and is described as a "Funny joke to insert ghosts in your photos and cause fear and terror". Sounds like fun to me. It's free, so of course I had to try it. My local grandson and granddaughter, delightful imps that they are, relished the thought of participating and of being the subjects of the photo. My daughter handled all the technology -- of course. Okay -- here's the deal. We had so much fun.... The thinking was that we would send this haunted photo to my son and to my sister and let them discover, with appropriate horror, that there was a creepy shadowy figure lurking about the children. That's exactly what we did. Then we waited with bated breath for their response. No response from either of them. They just commented on how cute the kids are. Neither my son nor my sister even noticed the long-haired, spooky apparition. What a disappointment! Huge.... We had to give hints. Once he "got it", my son was going to see what kind of reaction he could get from my daughter-in-law and other grandson. I haven't heard back on that as yet. Not easily fooled -- ever, my sister agreed that cabin fever had set in and suggested that we need to get out more. She's right of course. Is there an app for that?