Here we are just nine days away from Christmas and then
only a week after that – the New Year! Am thinking that I am not the only one
thinking that time passes very quickly -- at least sometimes. Am also thinking that I am one
fortunate person...for a lot of reasons really. Case in point...
Just one week ago my son and his family arrived and were able to spend a long weekend with me. My daughter and her family (who live in the same town as I) were able to join in as well. Perfect! Such all-together times are rare. (I love having all my chicks under my apron -- if only for a few marvelous days.) So fun – a little nuts off and on -- but wonderful all the way around. For one thing, they surprised me with having arranged for a family photo session – something I have wanted to do for a long time. Unfortunately, it was a breezy and damp 36ยบ and a bit muddy as we headed through the clumpy pasture -- dotted here and there with patches of slippery snow. Someone thought my old red barn would make the perfect backdrop for the photos. (I forgive that person. They were right, after all.) We all survived and although we were coatless for the trek and the photo shoot, no one can see the shivers in the still photos. All in all, it went just fine and the photographer (Thank you, Barb! - of Be Inspired Photography) was fantastic – managing the 8 of us well… which … had to have been akin to "herding cats" or "being confined in a room with a bunch of wild ferrets". My family can be somewhat uncontrollable and unpredictable when we are together. I love that about us. I think we are fun. Anyway – the "sneak peek" photos turned out beyond great. Can hardly wait to get them all … think I will try to make one of those photo books for each branch of the fam. Update -- was able to download all the photos last evening. Can you "see" me smiling? I am. Most definitely.
Anyway - now onward to 2022… hope it will be a new beginning of a better time for all. I am going to try to look forward with just an occasional looking back. I mean -- we all learned a few things during the past couple of years and I may need to touch base once in a while just so I am reminded of all the important lessons I learned. Then there are the important times that need to be remembered ... and ... family times are, obviously, #1 in the important category. Then again -- now that I think of it -- good friends should be included in that category as well. Yes ... Family and Friends -- gifts both. They make up the most important circles of life -- each of us has such circles ... at least one. I cherish them. Am thinking that you do as well.
Anyway – I wish you all a lovely holiday season and New Year. I hope that you have people with whom to share these times - family and/or friends. We have all come through the past couple of years and... survived many challenges. We cannot give up now. Right?
Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!