Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Thanksgiving 2020

 Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

This will be a memorable one for sure... in different ways of course. But... no matter how you prepare, or who is at your table, there are a good many things for which to be thankful.  We all know that deep down.  Sometimes we just have to look little harder. Sometimes we look through tears at the beginning of the search, and some days are more difficult than others because we have to drag ourselves through the sludge to get to the surface. It has been that kind of year - for the whole world.

Personally I start with being thankful for my wonderful family. Then after a time of acknowledging the many positives of my daily life, I move on to the sometimes surprising gifts... simple things like an unexpected smile from behind a stranger's mask (the secret in this is to watch the wrinkles around the eyes. Try it. Smile back, or better yet -- smile first. We all need smiles.) Anyway -- you don't have to look far really. You just have to set your course to find the good things.  There are a lot there. I have found too many "gifts" to even begin to count. The gifts I find, don't cost anything.  They are to be discovered in people -- in their hope and in their kindness -- and in their spirit and humor.  I am Thankful with a capital T. As for the darker "stuff"... well... since I know there isn't much I can do about it,  I try to ignore it as much as possible --  to put it on a shelf somewhere for later or … never. 

I try to remember to remind myself to look every single day and to make a mental list of all the good things -- to be thankful. For me it is a good way to move through a day.  Every day is then a Thanksgiving of a sort.  It isn't always easy, perhaps especially in these times, but... so worth the effort. Personally sometimes I think the whole world is seriously trying to count their blessings . There are glimmers here and there. Other days? Well, not so much.

For now...  Hope you are all having a wonderful Thanksgiving Day!

Friday, November 20, 2020

Without mentioning any names... This blog was first posted two weeks before the Presidential Election in September of 2016. Perhaps the proverb is true "...the more things change, the more they stay the same".

 I have recently been enjoying a self-imposed news blackout -- again. It works well for me.  My day-to-day life seems nicer somehow. I can always check in once in a while to get caught up if I want to, but I don't have to let the heavy stuff drop in clumps on/around me before I have a chance to self-protect... or even have a morning cup of coffee.

Without mentioning any names... here are some of the ideas and questions that I have been thinking about while enjoying a break from the dark side of the news -- and that includes the political front:
  • How interdependent are we on the rest of the world?
  • How can we focus more on similarities among people rather than on differences?
  • What values do we have in common with all of humanity?
Look -- we all know that the old order is changing -- again.  No matter how scary things may seem, I think it is important to remember that this is not the first time.  It happens.  Here's hoping that the new ways of living in the world will take the best of what still works and will use those things with success to fight the new dangers of the times. 

Again --without mentioning any names...
  • Who offers a sense of a breakthrough into a new way of living?
  • Who offers a sense of strength in a complex world? 
  • Who is not afraid to say "No", this is it.  We are done giving it all away. What is "it"?  It is, in no special order, -- American jobs, American dignity, American strength, American pride -- American hopes and dreams.
  • Who knows the people who can get the jobs done that need to be done?
  • Who dares to say what needs to be said?
Is there such a person out there? If we can find that person or one who even comes close to that, I may see you at the polls. Just sayin'.  In the meantime, I don't need the "news" to try to tell me what to think.  What happened to the "news" anyway?  Did objective reporting ever exist or is that also a pipe dream