Thursday, January 1, 2015

Resolutions for the New Year... or not....

Okay -- here's the truth.  If a New Year's Resolution is a promise to oneself, then I have made few New Year's Resolutions.  The reason why not?  It's because I have learned that I would break such a promise almost immediately and then spend the rest of the year feeling mildly guilty about not keeping it. I think about resolutions; I talk about resolutions; I listen to and read about other people's resolutions.  I just don't follow through with any of my own.  I admire those who do...or I would if I could find them. As far as I know, I have never encountered anyone who kept a New Year's Resolution. Maybe the whole thing is a case of "It's the thought that counts." You know -- good intentions and all that.  Do you keep resolutions or know anyone who does?  

To me New Year's Resolutions are serious business....  So -- if I were to make a resolution, it would have to include four things. 

I would wholeheartedly endeavor:
  1.  to become more mindful of the world and of the people around me,
  2.  to become a better listener, 
  3.  to think more before I speak, and 
  4.  to never forget to say Thank You.
Maybe a resolution is just the trying, not the actual 100% success. Maybe it isn't a heavy promise, but rather an attempt with your heart in a good place. I like that notion. I can be determined and I can try.  I have been doing that all my life.  I am thinking that you are familiar with that effort as well. Maybe a person can even make a resolution at any time of the year not only at the beginning.  I hope so.

If you do make a New Year's Resolution and keep it, please let me know.


Thank you for reading my ramblings.

Happy 2015 Everyone!

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