Tuesday, June 20, 2017

We came. We saw. We conquered.

Attention Corry High School Class of 1967:  This blog, entitled "We came. We saw. We conquered." is a follow-up to the pre-reunion blog posted in April that was entitled "We're back...".  It is about us and about all who gather together to reminisce about a shared time. 

It is hard to believe that the weekend of our 50th reunion is over. The celebration went so quickly -- not enough time really... and now here I am settling back into my normal routine as many others are still traveling back from whence they came to begin again where they left off.

How lovely is was to take a short break from today's agenda and tomorrow's concerns, and to just revisit the past for a few hours.  What a gift to share old stories, some that had been forgotten, others that were delightfully embellished. It seems that a reunion like this is not so much about what you may or may not have accomplished but about what happened or maybe did not happen in times shared a long time ago.  Nice.

Our 50th reunion was a success on many levels. Always an impressive group, the Class of '67 won first place in the Corry Fest parade as well as all the important trophies at the 143rd Annual Alumni banquet. More importantly though... it was just great fun seeing and sharing time with friends and acquaintances.  People came back to Corry from all over the place and bonded in their struggles to hear while the music was playing and to read the "not so fine print" on name tags that included a copy of each Senior Picture. (Good grief, did we really look so young then?) Once again, we overcame challenges and figured it out. Even fifty years down the road we are a creative and industrious group.

People get older, but true friendships do not age. They are preserved in time just waiting to live again. The thing is though... there is another important aspect of a gathering like this. It affords the chance to get to talk with classmates you never really knew very well and now wish you had. The class of '67 is filled with interesting people.  I just wish I had had the chance to talk with everyone.  Maybe next time.

We were back in full force.  We came. We saw. We conquered.  It is what we do.

Finally -- I must mention that I cannot take credit for thinking of the idea of writing a post 50th reunion blog. That idea came from a supportive friend -- also a survivor of the CAHS Class of 1967. I told her that I would not mention names in this post reunion blog, and am keeping my word (sort of... Thanks Linda of pirate fame!  Argh....) I know I am not alone in offering an enormous Thank You to you and to those who worked so hard to make this gathering possible.